Life in japan

The Ghost in the Tokaido Inn

  • Edo Period Begins

    Edo Period Begins
    The Tokaido Road is created, and the Edo Period begins.
  • Ieyasu Tokugawa becomes Shogun

    Ieyasu Tokugawa becomes Shogun
    Tokugawa is newly presented as the new shogun by Emp. Nakamikado.
  • Period: to

    The Ghost in the Tokaido Inn History

  • Emperor Nakamikado 26th Reign

    Emperor Nakamikado 26th Reign
    On this day, this day begins the 26th year of Emp. Nakamikado's reign.
  • Seikei's Arrival

    Seikei's Arrival
    Seikei and his father arrive in the town of Kameyama, traveling across the 1603-built Tokaido Road.
  • The Meet of Judge Ooka

    Judge Ooka meets Seikei, in order to solve the case of the missing ruby of the shogun.
  • Solved!

    Judge Ooka and Seikei finally close the case of the missing ruby of the shogun, stolen by Tomomi.