Hominidae panoply by unlobogris

Evolution of Hominids: Genus Homo

  • 1 CE

    H. Habilis: 2.4-1.4 mya

    H. Habilis: 2.4-1.4 mya
    *A team led by scientists Louis and Mary Leakey uncovered the fossilized remains of a unique early human between 1960 and 1963 at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania
    *Height: average 3 ft 4 in - 4 ft 5 in (100 - 135 cm)
    *cranial capacity: 1450cc

    *omnivorous diet
    *thought to have made the first stone tools, hence the nickename “handy man”.
    (Human Origins)
  • 2

    H. Rudolfensis: 1.9-1.8 mya

    H. Rudolfensis: 1.9-1.8 mya
    • Richard Leakey’s team uncovered Homo Rudolfensis fossils near the shores of Lake Rudolf (now known as Lake Turkana) in 1972 *Height average (male and female) 4.9 ft (oswego) *cranial capacity: 775cc *omnivorous diet *first crude stone tools (?) simple choppers (australianmuseum) *bipedal (Human Origins)
  • 3

    H. Erectus: 1.89 mya-143,000 ya

    H. Erectus: 1.89 mya-143,000 ya
    *Eugène Dubois, a Dutch surgeon, found the first Homo erectus in Indonesia in 1891
    *Height: Ranges from 4 ft 9 in - 6 ft 1 in (145 - 185 cm)
    *1000 cc (range: 850–1100 cc) (macro evolution.com)
    *omnivorous diet
    *earliest handaxes
  • 4

    H. Georgicus: 1.77 mya

    H. Georgicus: 1.77 mya
    *Discovered in Dmanisi, Republic of Georgia in 1991 by a team led by Georgian paleoanthropologist David Lordkipanidze
    *small. Males stood only about four feet (1.3 m) tall, and the females were even smaller.
    *cranial capacity: around 600cc
    *omnivorous diet
    *used crude stone tools
    (Macro Evolution)
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    H. Heidelbergensis: 700,000-200,000 ya

    H. Heidelbergensis: 700,000-200,000 ya
    *In 1908 near Heidelberg, Germany, a workman found the type specimen of H. heidelbergensis in the Rösch sandpit just north of the village of Mauer.
    *Height: Males: average 5 ft 9 in (175 cm); Females: average 5 ft 2 in (157 cm)
    *cranial capacity: 1125cc (efossils)
    *omnivorous diet
    *heavily built
    (Human Origins)
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    H. Sapiens: 200,000 ya-present

    H. Sapiens: 200,000 ya-present
    *Modern humans now have an average height of about 160 centimetres (5'3") in females and 175 centimetres (5'7") in males.
    *cranial capacity: 1300cc
    *omnivorous diet
    *many technological advances.
    *lighter build, smaller teeth and jaws.
    (Australian museum)
    (Human Origins)