Blade Runner
Blade Runner is a movie in the cyber punk genre. This movie is set in the year 2019 and revolves around the idea of machines becoming self aware and want longer life from their maker. the movie revolves around a blade runner wich is a type of law infocement officer whose responcibility is to decomition the machines that are trying to fight the system. -
The Terminator
The Terminator is set in the 1980's and is the story of a woman who has had a terminator (a machine developed to kill humans) sent back in time to kill her before she can give birth to her son, the future leader of the human armies that is vital to the victory the humans have against the machines, -
The Matrix
This Cyber Punk movie is set in a post apocalyptic earth where machines have taken over and enslaved the majority of the human populace by plugging their brain/mind into a computer program. The minority of the humans left fighting the machines are searching for a man trapped in the matrix, named neo who is believed to be the "one" who is going to bring an end to the war between human and machine. -
This movie is set in a post apocalyptic waste land that humans have since escaped. The story is based around a robot whose job it is to make the earth habbital for humans again. In this movie all humans have lost the majority of their muscle and bone development leaving them bed bound, using social media and the internet to function daily. -
Dredd is a movie about a task force of law inforcment officers called Judges. This movie centers around one judge called Dredd who is investigating a homocide that took place in an appartment complex in a slum like area. Dredd and his rookie assistant Kick some serious but and take down a drug cartel of a new drug called slow-mo. This is a movie showing what could possibly happen if the population increases to uncontrolable levels.