Period: to
The Future of America
Carson Hughes is elected Pope of the United States
Mitt Romney buys Disneyworld
Angry over his election loss, Mitt Romney closes off Disneyworld to make children suffer. -
Kim Jung Un joins One Direction
Nicholas Cage steals the Declaration of Independance
Nicki Minaj admits she ruined music
Terrorists and Obesity team up against America
Global Warming takes away our guns
Captain America becomes a Socialist
Sex Offender Technology is used to locate Terrorists
A grizzly bear is elected an Alaskan Senator
Mitt Romney's birth certificate shows he was born in Iran.
Neil Patrick Harris is declared the Messiah
Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama mudwrestle
Bill Gates admits he is Batman
Guantanamo Bay is relocated to Detroit
President Ahmadinajad is revealed to be a 14 year old girl on facebook
Obama nukes the Middle East
War in the Middle East ends over coin toss. The terrorists win.
Obama is revealed to be the Antichrist
Obama sells America to the Chinese for a new basketball court.
John Wilkes Booth assasinates Obama
Hillary Clinton is elected President
The Westboro Baptist Church is smited by God
Tina Fey and Sarah Palin organize a "Parent Trap"
Tina Fey and Sarah Palin come up with a scheme to bring their parents back together by switching places. -
Mexico's population reaches 0 as immigrants head to the USA
Charlie Sheen dies from large overdoses of Tiger's blood
The Association to Stop the Mispronounciation of Diabetes is founded
Plants speak out against vegetarians
Cats gain the right to vote
Cure for Cancer Destroyed
The FDA destroyed the cure for cancer after it was learned that its creator was using performance enhancing drugs while making it. -
Hillary Clinton has Bill nuetered after sex scandal
Kanye West proves the Theory of Evolution by evolving into Charizard
Justin Bieber is bitten by a radioactive spider
Kristen Stewart's face finally moves
Pacifists blow up a gun factory
Ronald Reagan's frozen head is elected president
White People stop being racist!
Haha! Just Kidding!
Slavery Makes a comeback
Fox News finally makes it through a broadcast with no factual errors
South Carolina secedes
CIA discovers a top secret document outlining the Homosexual Agenda
Evangelicals stop believing in the existence of atheists.
OJ Simpson is proven guilty by Scooby Doo and the gang.
J.K. Rowling takes over U.K. and launches WWIII
The Woodland Critter Party is formed
Scientific studies prove gingers don't have souls
Canada tries to do something important
Woodland Critter Party announces Grizzly Bear as cantidate for president
Spiderbieber is chosen as Grizzly Bear's running mate
Grizzly Bear is elected president
People start giving a shit about Kony
I lose my virginity
The 2nd coming of L.Ron Hubbard
L.Ron Hubbard comes to save Scientoligists from the coming rapture. -
Mars Rover is declared an act of war by Martians
Pluto attacks Earth, angry over planetary demotion
Zombie Apocalypse