Causes of the French Revolution
The causes of The French Revolution was that France was bankrupt and had bad leadership and bad harvests.France had a Estate system (social classes) that were unfair to many citizens.
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Affair of the Diamond Necklace
Scandal at the court of Louis XVI that discredited the French monarchy on the eve of the French Revolution. It began on the part of an adventuress, the countess de La Motte, to procure, supposedly for Queen Marie-Antoinette but really for herself and her associates, a diamond necklace worth 1,600,000 livres.
-britannica.com -
Great Fear
A period of panic and riot by peasants and others amid rumours of an “aristocratic conspiracy” by the king and the privileged to overthrow the Third Estate. The gathering of troops around Paris provoked insurrection.
-britannica.com -
national assembly created
The National Assembly was created to form their own parliament to represent the French people. Influenced by the 1st and 2nd estates outvoting the 3rd estate.
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tennis court oath
The National Assembly was forced to meet at a nearby tennis court. They ended up making a "Tennis Court Oath". The oath was that the 3rd estate would keep meeting untill the Declaration of Man was complete.
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attack on the Bastille
The city of Paris had their gun powder supply at fort Bastille. Where thousands of Parisions attacked the fort, got gun powder. The city went in the hands of revolutionaries when they stormed through Bastille.
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The National Assembly had a plan to make a document with rights the French people should have. The document is called the Declaration of Rights of Man.
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Bread March
Thousands of women from Paris marched 12 miles from Paris to Versailles. The women were armed with broomsticks,lances,pitchforks,swords,pistols, and mukets. The women wanted food and for the King to sign the Declaration of Man.
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royal escape
The royal family was under house arrest in their palace in Paris. They attemted to head for Austrria (for help) one night but got caught and taken back to Paris.
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death of king Louis 16
After king Louis XVI attempted to esacpe Paris, citizens thought of him as a traitor. So the French beheaded king Louis XVI.
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reign of terror
Date: September 5, 1793 - July 28, 1794
When the war started the Fench arming was losing, so when the Austrian/Prussian army got within 30 miles of Paris, Britain put naval blockade on France's ports. The result of all that ended with the French government killing anyone against the French Revoultion. The reign of terror ended with Maximillien Robespierre being sent to the guillotine (which is off with his head).
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execution of Marie-Antoinette
Marie-Antoinette was declared guilty of treason,her hair was cut off and she was driven through Paris in an open cart. She was beheaded at the Place de la Revolution.Her last words were "Pardon me sir, I meant not to do it".
- heritage-history.com -
Thermidorian Reaction
The Thermidorian Reaction was a revolt in the French Revolution against the Reign of Terror. It started by a vote from the National Convention to execute several leading members of the Terror. Which ended the terrible phase of the French Revolution.
- Alphahistory.com -
results of the French revoultion
Some results of the French Revoultion are one, The French constitution called the "Declaration of the rights of man" are still used by the French today. Another if that other countries felt threatened by what the French accoplished and didn't want it to happen to their country, so they wanted to start war with France.
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Napoleon stepped up and called himself, “first consul". With Napoleon as leader of France, the Revolution ended, and France entered a fifteen-year period of military rule.
-Sparknotes.com -
Constitution of the Year VIII
A national constitution of France, which established the form of government known as the Consulate. In the eyes of some, ended the French Revolution.