The French Revolutions

  • Meeting of the Estates General

    Meeting of the Estates General
    Representatives from each Estate gathered for a meeting. The first two Estates could over power the Third Estate
  • Voted to establish the Natinal Assembly

    Voted to establish the Natinal Assembly
    The National Assembly was the delegates from the Third Estate that encouraged the Enlightenment ideas. They voted to call themselevs the National Assembly and they would be able to pass and reform laws in France.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The National Assembly broke in to the jail and realeased a few prisoners. This was a very symbolic and important even because it showed power and because they rebeled against the king.
  • End of the division of The Estates

    End of the division of The Estates
    Feudalism ended, there was no more social pyramid, all the people were equal now that there were no Estates.
  • Declaratio of the Rights of Man and Citizen

    Declaratio of the Rights of Man and Citizen
    The National Assembly delcared the Rights of Man and Citizen, these rights included, liberty, property, security and resistance to opression. It also inluded equal rights and freedom of speech and religions.
  • The Bread Riots

    The Bread Riots
    The price of bread doubles so people died of starvation.
  • Royal Family attempts to flee.

    Royal Family attempts to flee.
    Many had advised the monarchs to leave France, since it was too dangerous. Louis finally decided to flee but near the border they were caught and they deteremined their fate to death.
  • New Constitution

    New Constitution
    The National Assembly created the limited monarchy, it took much of the kings authority. They also created the Legislative Assembly, they would take care of enforcing and passing laws.
  • Legislative Assembly declares war on Austria and Prussia

    Legislative Assembly declares war on Austria and Prussia
    European countires feared the same revolts in their ocuntires, Austria and Prussia urged the French to reinstate Louis as an absolutie monarch. As a result, the Legislative Assembly declared war.
  • Abolished the monarchy

    Abolished the monarchy
    They got rid of monarchy and Napoleon stated himself as emperor.