Estates General convened by King
This was the first time that there was an estate geneal meeting sence 1614. The king call the Estate Generals so that they could discuss and improve the tax plan. The 1st and 2nd Estate argued with the 3rd estate because they had different oppinions. This would make the 3rd estate assemble the Natinal Assembly. -
Tennis Court Oath
The reps from the 3rd Estate where locked out of the building where they where supposed to have a meeting. This angered they and they were furious. They went to a near by indoor tennis court and and had there meeting. They talked about what they could do to protect themselves from a higher power. -
Storming of the Bastille
A mob ( willing to kill ) wanted to get wepons and gun powderfor the fort Bastille. The Bastill used to be a prision and now it is a like a fort type of thing. The mob knew that there where tons of wepons and gun powder in the fort and that if they wonted they them might have to kill but it would be worth it in the long run. -
National Assembly decrees abolition of feudalism
It is a document. This is where the abolishment of the federal system was. This was big because that was the problem in the first place so if they fix that then hopefully all of france could be turned around. -
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
This was thr fundimental document that defined all the right that all three of the Estates had. This declaration however does not adress the women and the slaves that are appart of these estates and of France. -
Women's March for Bread to Versailles
This also know as the "Octomber March" was ran by women. This was when the women marched to protest the price/tax on bread. Why bread? This was something that they used in everyday life and tat this point any little thing would have set them off. This was one of the most important events in the revolution and it was ran by women. -
Abolition of nobility and titles
This abolished the use of titles such as "Prince," "Duke," "Count," "Baron." These titles where now going to be given to no one no matter what. Also everyone had to where the "same thing" oveusilly not the ame thing but one coudent look richer then the other. They did this to try to get equality between everone. -
Black citizens of France colonies granted equal rights
The Friends of the Black was a group of mostly white men and women. These members where abolitionist. In Febuary of 1794 the Universal Emancipation decree was made. The National Assembly mad this to free all colonial slaves. -
Execution of King Louis XVI
On the 21st in the mounth of June in the year 1792 the Reign of Terrer commited its first act. They King of France was executed. They executed him by the guietine. This would have chopped his head off. Imediatly following him was his wife (the Queen) and they beheaded her as well. This was a huge event in the French Revolution. -
Jacobin masses storm the Tuileries Palace
Committee of Public Safety
This was an exclusive government in France during the reign of terror. There jobs was to protect the new France from an outside enimy and forign attacks. These people wher givin power so that they had more power then everone else. -
End of the Reign of Terror
The Regin of Terror lasted less then a year. It was ended when Robespierre was arested. He was then exicuted bringing an end to the Regin of Terror phase in France. -
Beginning of the Reign of Terror
When the French Revolution entered the political conflict stage. This is when the Raign of terror began. During this time the method of solving problems was the guilloten. This was the ansswer to everthing. They created a law called " The Law of Suspects" This law allowd them to excicute enyone they felt was disagring with the French republic. -
Creation of Directorate
This was made up of 5 directors that held exclusive powers. This would be the second to last stage of the French Revolution. -
"First Consul"
This was the period in France after the fall of their government until the start of the Nepolian rule. -
Napoleon consectated as Emperor
This when nepleon was crowned emporor of France. He made this crowning take place at Notra-Dam to show all of his people that he was infack a son of the Revolution.