
The French Revolution

  • Louis XVI marries Marie Antoinette of Austria

    Louis XVI marries Marie Antoinette of Austria
    Marie Antoinette is of the Hamburg family. The two were married to form an alliance and relieve tensions between Austria and France.
  • Louis XVI becomes the King of France

    Louis XVI becomes the King of France
    Louis XV has died. He said that after he passes, French will go downhill.
  • Members of the Third Estate take the Tennis Court Oath

    Members of the Third Estate take the Tennis Court Oath
    This event is significant because the Third Estate would continue to protest and riot in order to gain power.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille
    The people of Paris raid the Bastille in order to retrieve weapons and ammunition for the people.
  • Women from the Fish Market march to Versailles

    Women from the Fish Market march to Versailles
    The women begin marching to Versailles, others follow in order to send a message to the Royal Family.
  • Legislative Assembly

    Legislative Assembly
    The Legislative Assembly is formed. It is succeeded by the National Convention.
  • Guillotine

    The guillotine becomes the official method of execution. It is seen as quick and painless. It used that way everyone gets executed the same way.
  • France declares war on Austria

    France declares war on Austria
    France declares war on Austria. This was a bad decision because France was already bankrupt.
  • King Louis XVI Execution

    King Louis XVI Execution
    The king of France is finally executed. He was a selfish king that did not care for his people.
  • The Committee of Public Safety

    The Committee of Public Safety
    The committee is formed, it rules over France during the Reign of Terror.
  • Marie Antoinette Execution

    Marie Antoinette Execution
    The people of France hated Marie Antoinette. She was a daughter of the Austrian royal family.
  • End of Reign of Terror

    End of Reign of Terror
    Robespierre becomes overthrown. The Reign of Terror comes to an end.
  • Robespierre Execution

    Robespierre Execution
    The leader in charge of the Reign of terror is executed. He gets a taste of his own medicine.
  • The Directory is formed

    The Directory is formed
    The Directory was formed, this government type helped in the recovery of France.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte comes in

    Napoleon Bonaparte comes in
    Bonaparte overthrows The Directory and introduces the French consulate.
  • Passing of the Civil Code (Napoleonic Code)

    Passing of the Civil Code (Napoleonic Code)
    The civil code put in under Napoleon. Went into place on March 21, 1804.
  • The coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte

    The coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte
    Napoleon is seen as a hero for France. He helps France on their road to recovery.
  • The Exile to Elba

    The Exile to Elba
    After his forced abdication 1814, Napoleon was exiled to Elba. He was allowed to keep a personal guard of 600 men.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    This was a plan to settle any conflicts that arose during the French Revolution in order to keep the peace in Europe.
  • 100 Days

    100 Days
    This was the period between the exile of Napoleon and the return of Louis XVIII