Period: to
The Estates
The three estates meet, the peasants being third with 600 representatives, the noble class with 300 and the clergy with 300 despite being only a sliver of the population. They sat there debating from may to June until the peasants had convinced some of the clergy and nobles and the other clergy and nobles had enough. They locked them in the Estates general but they grouped back up in a tennis court taking the Tennis Court Oath making the national assembly and swearing to make a constitution. -
The Bastille
A march on the prison and gunpowder storage fort. The peasants killed almost all the guards and let loose all the prisoners yet still stayed to attempt to dismantle the place. This officially started the revolution as they carried The tricolor flag. -
Bread women
Women marched into Versailles demanding bread and killed many guards as they ran up to the queen's room after she fled and demanded King Louis come with them too paris. He had no choice and did and signed the declaration of the rights of man, the constitution made by the tennis peasants. The constitution wanted to secure liberty, property and security. -
Prison break 2: Not Bastille
Marie Antoinette convinced her husband to escape with her because and saw her home country (Austria) still working as a monarchy and didn't wanna give up to peasants. They were near the Austrian border when their carriage was apprehended. In France's darkest hour Louis attempted to leave his people so he lost lots of sympathy. -
Jacobins and Girondins.
After france wages war Prussia's Duke of Brunswick wrote that he would raze Paris to the ground if the king were harmed. The Parisian press printed the letter for the whole city to see, and a mob stormed the Tuileries. Louis was made to go on trial as an ordinary citizen, and he was quickly proclaimed guilty. The matter of what to do with him split the National Assembly in two.The radical Jacobins to kill louis and moderate Girondins. And those without breeches who somehow took over local gov. -
September massacre
Marat, The Jacobins journalist wrote to rally people to kill political prisoners. He feared that with the population of Paris outnumbered by the imprisoned counter-revolutionaries, the revolution would be squelched. The sans-culottes rose to the occasion and wiped out thousands of prisoners -- men and women, aristocrats and clergy -- in just a few days. The bloodbath became known as the September Massacre. -
death of louis
Robespierre (Leader of Jacobins) convinced the people that the monarch must die for the republic to live. Louis ominously prophesied, "I trust that my death will be for the happiness of my people, but I grieve for France…" On Jan. 20, 1793, he was guillotined -
The Purge
Led by Robespierre, the Jacobins claimed the Girondins were Counter revolutionaries and had them arrested.
He then made France a police state free for him and the other Jacobins to kill who they wants. He also agreed to reverse -- temporarily, at least -- the rights guaranteed by the constitution as well as censor the press. -
Period: to
The comitee
The committee in Paris convicted and executed 238 men and 31 women and acquitted 190 persons, and that on February 5 there were 5,434 individuals in the prisons in Paris awaiting trial.
Robespierre was frustrated with the progress of the revolution. After issuing threats to the National Convention, he himself was arrested in July 1794. He was guillotined, as a victim of the terror, on July 28, 1794. -
Death of an austrian
On October 16th Marie was guillotined. Marie Antoinette was the last queen of France. She also did not let the people eat cake. -
Napoleon takes control
After winning political power in 1799 coup de at he crowned himself in 1804 -
Pharaon arrives in marseilles
Pharaon returns with Captain Leclere who died before the boat got back. Edmond Dantes, one of the crew and the most likely to become the new captain, goes and sees his father and fiancee -
Edmond's arrest
Edmond Dantes is arrested at his wedding party. He talks to Villefort who tricks Dantes into arrest once he realizes that the letter from Napolean is addressed to Villefort's own father. This same day, Dantes is taken to Chateu d'If -
Napoleon takes back power
Morrel's petition
Dantes finds a petition under his name after escaping jail, which the paper was trying to be used to get him out. it was dated to this day. -
Edmond Dantes father dies
While Dantes is in jail, his father dies in the arms of Mercedes, Dantes fiancee, who had been taking care of the father until this day. -
Edmond meets abbe
Rough estimate of when Edmond meets Abbe who would teach him to read and write and give him a fortune -
Edmonds escape
Abbe dies and Dantes escapes in the body bag with a map to monte christo -
Edmond goes to Marseilles
Edmond goes to Marseilles after being picked back up by the smugglers -
Almost suicide
The pharaon has been gone at sea sice February the fifth and is proclaimed lost a month after it was supposed to arrive, Morrel is saved by Sinbad. -
Edmond arrives in paris
After saving Albert he goes with him too paris -
Albert's challenge
Albert, wanting to avenge his fathers dishonoring, challenges The Count, whom he sees as responsible. Later, Mercedes goes to the Count and pleas to him not to kill Albert. Then she proceeds to tell Albert who The Count is and why he dishonored Fernand. -
Albert apologizes
Albert apologizes, dishonoring his family, after seeing he's in the wrong. -
Rip Fernand
Fernand kills himself after being dishornored and his family abandons him -
Villefort goes insane
After the baby incident is revealed Villefort goes home to find his wife dead along with his son in the next room. To add on Edmond reveals himself. Villefort goes insane -
Danglars goes for broke
Danglars gIves Dantes the 5 million Franks he owed to the hospital then runs away -
Death of The Count, revival of Edmond Dantes
Dantes sails off along with Haydee. Maximellian meets his love. Danglars is punished then set free.