Revolucion francesa


  • Formation of the National Assembly

    The nobility and clergy insisted that the third estate have only one vote per class and not per person.
    This is why they meet and create the National Assembly.
  • Meeting of the Estates General(Revolution breaks out)

    The third state was tired of the privileges of nobility and clergy, so the king summonded Estates General in a meeting.
    In the meeting there were representatives of the third class, the privileged classes and the king
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    El Tercer Estado hizo el Juramento de la Cancha de Tenis, prometiendo quedarse hasta que hubieran creado una constitución que pusiera el poder en manos del pueblo. Esto significó la primera vez que los ciudadanos franceses se opusieron formalmente a Luis XVI.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    On July 14 they successfully attacked the Bastille. This event became a national symbol, because they helped share the meaning of a nation and showed that citizens can make great changes in society.
  • Abolition of Feudalism

    A small group of deputies attended the assembly in which they ended the Old Regime and in which they withdrew the feudal and stately privileges because of the ideas of the Enlightenment that began to spread throughout Europe in the 18th century.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    The National Constituent Assemply despite of abolish feudalism, a Declaration of the Rigths of Man and of the Citizen was approvated, wich recognised the rigths, individual freedoms and equality of all citizens in law and taxation(August 1789)
  • The flight of the royal family

    In August 1791 the Loyal family tried to flee France but were imprisoned.
    The citizens felt a great betrayal by the kings which caused the beheading of Luis 16 and his wife
  • Creation of Legislative Assembly

    the king accepted the new constitution and a new government was created (only 15% of the population could vote)
    This new moderate government was called the Legislative Assembly.
    Due to the intense opposition to the Old Regime this government only lasted one year.
  • A new Constitution was created

    In 1791 the first French constitution drafted by the National Assembly was written.
    This was based on the separation of powers, the need for a constitutional monarchy and selective suffrage for only men over 25 years of age and with a certain amount of power.
  • Austria and Prussia declared a war on France

    In the exterior, Austria and Prussia declared war on France because their monarchs feared the expansion of the revolution in their countries
  • Social Republic

    The betrayal by the king due to his flight to varenness it also appeared a military invassion led to the revolt by the common people (sans-culottes)
    In 1792 they stormed Tuileries palace and imprissioned the royal family and started the second phase of the French Revolution
  • The Girondin Convection (1792-1793)

    New elections were celebrated in order to choose a new goverment.
    Universal mal suffrage was guaranted(every men could vote)and, as a consequence, a new goverment called National Convection, was created, and it was more radical.
  • The Girondin Convection (1792-1793)

    The National Convection abolished the monarchy and France became a republic.
    In January 1793, the goverment judge the king for treason and he was executed along with his wife, and because his execution, Britain and Dutch Republic joined Austria and Prussia against France in the First Coalition.
  • The reign of Terror (1793-1794)

    Due to the First Coalition ,many people think that the revolution was in danger. The Jacobins took advantage of this situation and took the power in June 1793.
    Robespiere became a dictator
    This was the begining of The Reign of Terror
  • The Reign of Terror ( Jacobins 1793-1794)

    Robespiere became the dictator of his rulling(The Reign of Terror)
    During this ten months, the Committee of public Safety judged and executed more than 20.000 people by the guillotine. Every suspect os being and enemy of the Republic was killed, including many nobles and clery men.
  • End of the Reign of Terror (1794)

    Robespierre started to lose support and in 1794 moderate revolutionaries arrested and executed him by the guillotine.
    Then a new Moderate Government was created, the Directory
  • The Directory(1794-1799)

    The new conservative goverment created a new constitution in 1795 with a censitarian suffrage. A five-member Directory held the executive power and two chambers held the legislative. This society was still divided in Radicals, that tried to impose an egalitarian society and the Royalists that wanted to reintroduce the monarchy.
  • The Napoleon's arrive

    France archieved many victories in the war thanks to Napoleon Bonaparte. The second coalition reconquered many territories but Napoleon became extremely popular.
    In November 1799 he carried out the coup d' etaid and created the Consulate.
  • Napoleon gave a coup d´eatat

    In November of 1799, he organised a coup d ´etat, this process start because Napoleon found many people that did not like Directory and with the help of loyal troops, he an 2 directors overthrew the throne
  • A Consulate was created

    Napoleon created in 1799 a Consulate, an autocratic and authoritarian rule
  • First Consul

    Napoleon Bonaparte proclaimed himself First Consul and eliminated elected Assembly
  • Napoleon Empire (1807-1812)

    In the early 1800 fought all the European powers( Russia, Austria, Naples, Prussia and Great Britain)
    1805 he defeated Austria and Russia at Auterlitz or the Battle of the 3 kings against Napoleon and the Russian Austrian army.
    1808 Napoleon invaded Spain and placed his smallest brother as king, Josheph Bonaparte.
    1807-1812 he controlled a big part of Europe from Spain to the Estern part of Russia.
  • Consul for Life

    In 1802, he made himself Consul for Life
  • Napoleon as Emperor of French

    In 1804, Napoleon had gained almost absolute power and he knew thay many French citizens didn't want a return af Ancient Regime so he began to continue with reforms of the revolution in France.
    Also in 1804 he was crowned as Emperor of France and the period know as the First French Empire started
  • Defeat of Napoleon

    He started to lost his power in his great Empire due to his falture in his inavasion to the rest territory of Russia and the revolt in Spain against a foreing king.
    In 1815 the Imperial armies were finaly defetaed in Waterloo in a German territory by Great Britain and Prissia.
    After his defeated he was sent into exile to the Saint Helena Island where he died alone in 1821