the french revolution and napoleon

  • bad harvest lead to food shortages

  • The background to the revolution

    it was troubled from the start with a problem about voting.
  • national assembly adopts declaration of the right of man

    national assembly adopts declaration of the right of man
    it called itself a national assembly and decided to draft a constitution.
  • national assembly completes new constitution

    national assembly completes new constitution
    acording to the contitution there would still be a king,a legislativeassembly would make the laws.
  • national convention split into faction

    the nwely elected national convention began its session.
  • king louis XVL is executed

    king louis XVL is executed
    the king was beheade on the guillotine.the execution,
  • reign of terror ends

    reign of terror ends
    the french had largely defeated their foreign foes.
  • new constitution is created

    new constitution is created
    the directory, together with the ligislature,rule.
  • the directory os formed

    the directory was unable to find a solution
  • napoleon take part in coup d'etat

    napoleon took part in the coup d'etat overthrew the goverment of thr directory.
  • napoleon is crow emperor

    napoleon is crow emperor
  • french are defeatd at tfafagar

    french are defeatd at tfafagar
    in a series of battlers at ulm,austerlits, jena
  • napoleon made consult for life

  • napoleon invades russia

  • napoleon si defeated at waterlo

    napoleon si defeated at waterlo
    npoleon made his entry into parish in triumph on march 20