The French Revolution and Napoleon

  • The Dutch Patriot Revolt

    -They were the results of long-term prosperity and high expectations
    -Called themselves the Dutch Patriots
    -Wanted to reduce the power of the prince of Orange
    -Frederick William II of Prussia intervened in 1787
    -The Prussian troops occupied Amsterdam and Utrecht and the house of Orange regained its former position
    -The lower-class Orangist mobs pillaged the houses of prosperous Patriot leaders
  • Belgian Independence Movement in the Austrian Netherlands

    -Joseph II tried to introduce Enlightenment-inspired reforms
    -By 1789 each province had separately declared its independence and the Austrian administration had collapsed.
    -But the democrats began to challenge the noble authority
    -The Aristocrats drew to their side the Catholic clergy and peasants who had little sympathy for the democrats of the cities.
    -The Democrats supported the return of the emperor
    -Leopold II (r. 1790-1792) became the new emperor
  • Period: to

    Monarchy to Republic

  • Women March on Versailles

    -it was a response to the xclusive nature of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
    -Little notice was taken of it by the National Convention
  • Louis XVI holds the Estates General

    -Louis gave into demands that he call a meeting of the Estates General, which hadn’t met for 175 years
    -The Estates General was a body of deputies from the three estates, or orders, of France
    -The 1st Estate represented some 100,000 clergy of the Catholic Church
    -The 2nd Estate represented the nobility about 400,000 men and women
    -The 3rd Estate represented everyone else, or at least 95% of the nation
  • The Fall of the Bastille in Paris

    -An armed crowd marched on the Bastille, a fortified prison that symbolized royal authority.
    -After a battle, the prison officials surrendered
    -The people proved themselves willing to intervene
    -In response, food riots all over France became all out revolts
  • Louis XVI fired Jacques Necker

    -He was the Swiss Protestant finanace minister
    -Believed to be the only high official to be sympathetic to the deputies of the National Assembly's cause.
  • The French Nobility give up their tax exemptions—the end of the Fedual Regime

    -Became the abolition of the “feudal regime”
    -It freed all of the serfs
    -Eliminated special privileges in matters of taxation
    -Mandated equal opportunity to access government positions
  • The Civil Constitution of the Clergy is Passed in France

    -Set pay scales for the clergy-Voters elected their own parish priests and bishops
    -In November, 1790, the National Assembly required all clergy to swear an oath of fealty to the Civil Constitution of the Clergy
    -Pope Pius Vi condemned the constitution
    -Half of the French clergy refused to take the oath
    -Divided the Catholic population
    -Those who didn’t take the oath were forced into exile
  • The Festival of Federation

    -Marked the anniversary of the fall of the Bastille
    -Took place in Paris
  • The Irish found the Society of United Irishmen

    -Both Catholics and presbyterians were refused the vote
    -Would eventually push for succession from England.
  • Louis XVi of France declares waron Austria

    -Prussia immediately entered the was on Austria’s side
    -Louis hoped the war would give him the edge to crush the revolution
    -The French army was woefully unprepared
  • Period: to

    The French-Asutrian War

    -Fighting continued off and on for 23 years
    -The Prussians came in immediately to support the Austrians
    -The Frnehc were horribly unprepared and suffered many losses.
  • The Polish Patriots institute their new Constitution

    -Established a hereditary monarchy with somewhat strengthened authority
    -Ended the veto power each aristocrat had over legislation
    -Gave townspeople political rights
    -Vaguely promised future Jewish emancipation
    -Serfdom was not abolished
  • Flight to Varennes

    -The royal family escaped in disguise from Paris and fled to the eastern border of France where they hoped to gather support from the Holy Roman Emperor, Leopold II, the brother of Marie-Antoinette.
    -A postmaster recognized the king and they were arrested in Varennes, 40 miles from the Austrian Netherlands.
  • Slaves lead an uprising in St. Domingue

    -They were inspired by the slogan “Listen to the voice of Liberty which speaks in the hearts of all,”
    -The Legislative assembly in Paris granted civil and political rights to the free blacks to qualm the rebellion
    -One of the black generals, Francois Dominique Toussaint L’Ouuverture committed his troops to the French and was eventually appointed governor of St. Domingue
  • The London Corresponding Society is founded in England

    -The largest revolutionary-minded club in England
    -It corresponded with the Paris Jacobin Club and served as a center for reform agitation in England.
  • The Second Revolution in France

    -The peasants ordered an insurrection and attacked the Tuileries palace, the residence of the king.
    -The king and is family sought refuge in the meeting room of the Legislative Assembly
    -The deputies ordered elections for a new assembly
    -They abolished the property qualifications for voting and instituted universal male suffrage for the first time.
  • The National Convention in France Abolishes the Monarchy

    -Established the first republic in French history.
    -Most members belonged to the Jacobin Club, named after the former monastery in Paris where the club originally met
  • September Massacres in Paris

    -The Prussians approached Paris
    -Mobs stormed the overflowing prisons to seek out traitors
    -1,100 inmates were killed
    -The princess of Lamballe was hacked to pieces
  • The National Convention enacts the New Divorce Law

    -A couple could divorce by mutual consent or for reasons such as insanity, abandonment, battering, or criminal conviction.
    -Thousands of couples got divorces
  • The Second Partition of Poland

    -The Revolution made the Poles and Lithuanians especially discontent because they had already lost a significant portion of their territory and population.
    -Fearing French influence, Prussia and Russia divided Poland up again
    -And uprising occured but Catherine the Great of Russia put it down.
  • Period: to

    The Reign of Terror

  • Louis XVI is executed by guillotine

    -Although the Girondins agreed the king was guilty of treason, they argued for exile
    -After a long debate, the National Convention supported the Mountain and voted against the king
  • Period: to

    Civil War between the Counterrevolutionaries and the National Convention

    -Peasants and artisans joined under noble leadership to form a Catholic and Royal Army
    -In the Vendée itself, a counterrevolutionary force fought the republic-In nearby Brittany, guerrilla bands formed.
    -Great Britain provided resources, secretly, to the groups
  • Maximilien Robespierre is elected to office

    -Wanted to create a “republic of virtue”-The government would force citizens to be virtuous
    -This began the Reign of Terror
    -The government used the guillotine to institute justice.
  • The National Convention establishes Revolutionary Armies

    -Militants marched into the National Convention and forced deputies to decree the arrest of their 29 Girdonin colleagues
    -The Conventions consented to the establishment of paramilitary bands called “Revolutionary Armies”
    -They hunted down political suspects and hoarders of grain
  • Charlotte Corday assassinates Jean-Paul Marat

    -She supported the Girdonins-Marat was immediately eulogized as a great martyr
    -Corday was sent to the guillotine
  • Festival of Unity

    -celebrated the first anniversary of the overthrow of the monarchy
    -Was directed by Jacques-Louis David
  • National Convention set the General Maximum

    -Set limits on the princes of 39 essential commodities and on wages.
    -First real Totalitarian ideals
  • Festival of Reason in Notre Dame

    -The Cult of Reason tried to supplant Christianity
    -A goddess of Liberty, played by an actress, presided over the festival in Notre Dame cathedral
  • Revolutionary Tribunal in Paris convicts Marie-Antionette of treason

    -They executed her
    -Madame Roland and Olympe de Gouges were also executed.
  • The National Convention adopts a New Calender

    -Year 1 dated from the beginning of the republic on September 22, 1792
    -It had 12 months of exactly 30 days, all with new names
    -New 10-day weeks replaced the 7-day week, leaving the populous with only 1 day of rest every 10 days.
    -The five days at the end of the calendar were devoted to special festivals called sans-culottides.
    -This calendar remained in use for twelve years.
  • Period: to

    The Thermidorian Reaction

  • Robespierre and David tried to introduce the Cult of the Supreme Being

    -It was an opposing group the the Cult of Reason
    -Neither it, not the Cult of Reason attracted many followers
  • The New National Convention passed a law denying the accussed legal counsel

    -They also reduced the number of jurors necessary for conviction, and allowed only two judgments: acquittal or death.
    -Expanded political crimes to include “Slandering Patriotism,” and “Seeking to Inspire Discouragement.”
    -The rate of executions in Paris rose from 5 a day in the spring of 1794 to 26 a day in the summer.
  • Robespierre is arrested by the National Convention

    -Robespierre appeared before the Convention with another list of deputies to be arrested
    -The deputies, out of fear, had him arrested along with his followers on the Committee, the president of the Revolutionary Tribunal in Paris, and the commander of the Parisian National Guard.
    -An armed uprising led by the Paris city government failed to save Robespierre when most of the National Guard took the side of the Convention.
    -Robespierre tried to kill himself with a pistol but only broke his jaw.
  • The French Conquer the Dutch Republic and set up the Batavian Republic

    -When Prussia declared neutrality in 1795, the French rushed into the Dutch Republic,
    -They abolished the stadholderate, and created the new Batavian Republic, a satellite of France
  • The Third Partition of Poland

    -Taking no more chances, Russia, Prussia, and Austria wiped Poland completely from the map
    -Called “The Polish Question” and would plague international relations for more than a century as Polish rebels flocked to any international upheaval that might undo the partitions
  • Period: to

    The Directory

    -Set up a two-house legislature and an executive body—the Directory, headed by five directors.
    -Held onto power for 4 years
    -The atmosphere of the Terror gave way to the pursuit of pleasure
    -Low-cut dresses of transparent materials reappeared
    -Prostitutes reappeared in the streets
    -Fancy parties and Victim’s Balls, where guests wore red ribbons around their necks as reminders of the guillotine
    -Churches began to reopen
  • The French conquer northern Italy and set up the Cisalpine Republic

    -The general, Napoleon Bonaparte, gained a reputation by defeating the Austrian armies in northern Italy in 1797
    -Then he overwhelmed Venice and gave it to the Austrians in exchange for a peace agreement that lasted less than two years.
  • The French conquer the Swiss Cantons and set up the Helvetic Republic

    -They curtailed many of the Catholic Church’s privileges.
    -They also conquered the Papal States in 1798 and installed a Roman Republic, forcing the Pope to flee to Siena.
  • Napoleon siezes power in a Coup D'etat

    -Conspirators persuade the legislature to move out of Paris to avoid an imaginary Jacobin plot.
    He establishes the Consulate system
    -He is elected as the first consul, but is in effect a dictator
    -He began to take away freedoms and prosperity
  • Period: to


  • Napoleon founds the Legion of Honor

    -The first step towards creating a new nobility
    -Members received a lifetime pensio along with their titles
    -By 1814, the legion had 32,000 members (only 5% of the were civilians)
  • The British Agree to the Treaty of Amiens

    -Didn't agree until the Austrians had withdrawn
    -Effectively ended the hostilities on the continent
    -Napoleon considered it only a truce
    -Lasted only until 1803
  • Napoleon sells Louisiana Territory to the United States

    -Purchased by Thomas Jefferson
    -Part of Napoleon's retreat from the Western Hemisphere
  • Establishment of the Napoleonic Code

    -Called the Civil Code
    -It reasserted the Old Regime's patriarchal system of male domination over women
    -If children under the age of 16 refused to follow their father's commands, they could be sent to prision of up to a month
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    -The British proved its superiority by blocking a French invasion
    -Defeated both the French fleet and their Spanish allies
    -The British lost no vessels
    -But the Lord Horatio Nelson lost his life.
  • The Battle of Austerlitz

    -Considered to be Napoleon's greatest victory
    -Fought on the anniversary of his coronation
    -Beat both the Austrians and the Russians
  • Napoleon establishes the Continental System

    -Prohibited all commerce between Great Britain and France
    -Also affected France's dependent states and allies.
    -Hurt Great Britain at first
    -The British retaliated by confiscating merchandise on ships which sailed through British ports
  • Napoleon established the Confederation of the Rhine

    -Included all of the German states except Austria and Prussia
    -Napoleon sought to exploit the states
    -The Holy Roman Emperor gave up his title
  • Napoleon Invades Russia

    -Invades with 250,000 horses and 600,000 men
    -Proved to be his greatest mistake
    -Did not meet the main Russian force until he got on the Main road to Moscow.
  • Napoleon begins he retreat from Russia

    -The Grand Army lost 30,000 horses in a week to the cold
    -By December, only 100,000 troops remained
    -the Russians captured over 200,000 men