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The French Revolution and Napolean Years-McCormick/Koches

  • Meeting of the Estates General

    Meeting of the Estates General
    Members of the three estates came together to discuss grievances, and elect representatives who would meet at Versailles.
  • Period: to

    The French Revolution to the Death of Napoleon

  • The Storming of Bastille

    The Storming of Bastille
    A crowd searching for military supplies attacked the Bastille.
  • The Declaration of the Right of Man and of the Citizen

    The Declaration of the Right of Man and of the Citizen
  • Austria and Prussia Threatened to Intervine

    Austria and Prussia Threatened to Intervine
    Austria and Prussia threaten to intervine in the French Revolution in support of monarchy.
  • Forced into Protection

    Forced into Protection
    A crowd invaded the king's (Louis XVI) palace in Paris and forced him to seek protection in the Legislative Assembly.
  • The Execution of King Louis XVI

    The Execution of King Louis XVI
    King Louis XVI was executed by the guillotine.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    A period of violence after the onset of the French Revolution.
  • Progress in the Revolution

    Progress in the Revolution
    The Revolution was secure from foreign and domestic enemies, but repression, now institutionalized, continued
  • Maximilien Robespierre

    Maximilien Robespierre
    Maximilien Robespierre was arrested and over the next two days, him and nearly a hundred of his allies were executed by the guillotine.
  • Rise of the Working Class

    Rise of the Working Class
    The Paris working class rose in protest and the Convention approved the use of overwhelming military force
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    Napoleon Bonaparte seized power of the French army (aka: Napoleon overthrows the Directory)
  • Freedom for French Catholics

    Negotiations with the Catholic Church led to the Concordat of 1801 which gave French Catholics the right to freely practice their religion.
  • The Napoleonic Civil Code

    The Napoleonic Civil Code
    The Civil Code of 1804 gave people equality in law and protection of property (aka: the Napoleonic Civil Code)
  • The Crowning of Napoleon

    Napoleon crowns himself emperor
  • French Defeat

    The British navy defeated the French and allied Spanish fleets thwarting Napoleon's plan to mobilize forces to invade Britain.
  • The French Invasion Portugal

    Napoleon invaded Portugal in 1807.
  • The French Invasion of Spain

    Napoleon invaded Spain in 1808.
  • Napoleon Dethroned

    Napoleon was forced to abdicate the French throne.
  • Napoleon Defeated

    Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo.
  • The Death of Napoleon

    The Death of Napoleon
    Napoleon was executed on the distant island of St. Helena in the South Atlantic.