300px french revolution guillotine

The French Revolution and Napolean

  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The first shots were fired at Lexington and Concord between the American Colonists and British. The British taxed the Colonists which led to the American Revolution. The Americans eventually won the Revolution with George Washington commanding.
  • Estates-General Meeting

    Estates-General Meeting
    The meeting was where the Three Estates voted.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath was where the French stood to oppose Louis XIV. The Oath was signed by 577 out of 578 of people of the Third Estate. The Oath helped jump start the French Revolution.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The Storming of the Bastille was caused by unfairness by Louis XIV. Revolutionaries stormed to the Bastille as a protest to force Louis XIV to complete the National Assembly. This led to the creation of the Declaration of Rights of Men.
  • First Meeting of the National Assembly under New French Constitution

    First Meeting of the National Assembly under New French Constitution
    The Declaration of Rights of Men was developed during the First National Assembly under the new French Constitution. It granted equality of all men when borned as well as natural and inprescriptible rights.
  • March on Versailles

    March on Versailles
    The March on Versailles was led by women. However, there were men dressed as women on the march to purposely fool Louis XIV's army. They knew the army wouldn't shoot harmless women. The event occurred after the fall of the Bastille. The women were upset over prices of food and tax.
  • Building of Versailles

    Building of Versailles
    The Building of Versailles was used for the Kings and Queens of France. Versailles was the central strongpoint of the city. It also symbolizes the system of Absolute Monarchy.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    The Reign of Terror was intended to stop the cause of a revolution. The Reign of Terror targets revolutionary leaders to make a stand. Robespierre was an important role because he was the leader of the Committee of Public Safety. Marie Antoinee was executed in the Reign of Terror.
  • Robespierre's Death

    Robespierre's Death
    Robespierre was the dominator in the Committee of Public Safety. He was executed due everybody opposing him. His Reign of Terror was the main cause of this.
  • The Formation of the Directory

    The Formation of the Directory
    The Directory formed to stablize war and violence. The Directory consists of 5 Directors who held executive power. The Directory eventually fell to Napoleon's French Consulate.
  • Coup D'Etat

    Coup D'Etat
    Napolean overthrew the French Directory and replaceed it with the French Consulate.
  • Coronation of Napolean

    Coronation of Napolean
    The Coronation of Napoleon was the act of him being crowned as the monarch.
  • Napolean Retreats from Moscow

    Napolean Retreats from Moscow
    Napoleon and his army invaded Moscow, Russia in the Napoleonic War. The Russians were prepared and pushed the French all the way back to the direction they came.
  • Waterloo

    The Battle of Waterloo is where Napoleon lost to the British and Prussian forces. This ended Napoleon's reign as King.