The Bourbon monarchy ends
The Barbon family were long time monarchs of the French. In 1789, their monarchy ends because of their monarch, Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette. -
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The National Assembly
The National Assembly was a revolutionary government formed by the representatives of the third estate. They managed to write a constitution and the 'Declaration of rights of man' in their time of power. http://c8.alamy.com/comp/ERT36Y/french-revolution-1789-1799-national-assembly-on-4-and-5-august-1789-ERT36Y.jpg -
The storming of Bastille
Once rumors spread that foreign troops were going to attack France, people started gathering weapons in order to defend their city. On July 14, 1789 they raided a prison, Bastille, in order to get gunpowder and weapons. -
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The National Convention
The National Convention was an enhancement to the National Assembly. The National Assembly were successful in making France into a republic. https://cdn.thinglink.me/api/image/590965810214731776/1240/10/scaletowidth -
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Reign of terror
The newly formed National convention appointed Maximillion Robespierre as their new leader. He started killing people who ha labeled as internal enemies who were people who supported the king or were opposed to the new government. https://www.google.com/search?q=reign+of+terror&rlz=1CAHPZQ_enUS759US759&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj9vP3x6tHWAhXCSCYKHY5LAhsQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=630&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=fkVnZTUAQUtsaM: -
Another constitution was established
The National Convention decided to re-write the constitution because they thought it had many flaws. This constitution set up the way for the rise of the Directory. -
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The directory
After the National Convention, a new government was made which was leaded by 5 directors. This was made because of the problems caused by the reign of terror. https://cdn.thinglink.me/api/image/590965810214731776/1240/10/scaletowidth -
Napoleon's Coup d'etat against the Directory
The Directory was full of corruption and scandal, and it had become very weak. Napoleon saw this chance to take power and successfully overthrew the Directory.