Causes Of The French Revolution
- France was bankrupt. They fought in and spent alot of money fighting against England. 2. Bad leadership, the queen was spending a ton of money.3. Bad harvest, prior to the revolution, France had severe droughts. 4. France was divided into 3 estates.Source=Notes
National Assembly Created
The 1st and 2nd estate outvoted the 3rd estate.The 3rd estate representatives stormed out of the meeting and decided to form their own parliament called the "National Assembly", and it would truly represent the french peopleNotes=source -
Tennis Court Oath
On June 17th, the 3rd estate decide to break away from the estates general to make their own constitution. They also decide to call themselfs the National Assembly. On June 20th, 1789 they were locked out of the regular meeting place, so they gathered at a nearby tennis court . Source= History.com -
Attack on the Bastille
SourceOn July 14th, 1789 a mob of craftsman and salesman decide to fight back against King Louie XVI. The mob stole riffles but there was no gun powder, the mob knew it was stored in the Bastille which was a symbol of the kings absolute power. So they decide to attack it. -
The National Assembly was forced to meet at a nearby tennis court. This document was called Decleration Rights Of Man or D.R.M They also made the "Tennis Court Oath".Notes=Source -
Bread March Results
The thousands of women break through the gates and slaughtered the gards. The gards head were cut off and put on pikes.Source=notes -
The Bread March
On October 5th, 1789 thousands of women from Paris marched the 12 miles from paris to Versailles. They were armed with broomsticks, lances, pitchforks, swords, pistols, and muskets. They wanted food and for King Louie XVI to sign the D.R.M. Source=Notes -
Period: to
The French Revolution
King Louie respondes
As The N.A continued to work on the D.R.M the king wasnt very happy. King Louie had his army surrounded the city of paris. Source=Notes -
Royal Escape
June 1791, The revolution had been going on for about 2 years. The royal family was under arrest in their palace in Paris. The National Assembly kept forcing King Louie XVI to sign the law after law, that took more and more power away from the king. They made it to the Austrian Border, but were spotted and captured and brought back to Paris. Source=Notes -
Death Of King Louie XVI
sourceIn august 1792 the royal couple was arrested and imprisoned. In september the monarchy was abolished by the National Convetion.They found evidence of King Louie's counterrevolution with Austria and the next January he was takinto the guilloteen. -
Death Of Maire
souceMaire Antointee was tried on trial and eventually met the same fate as her husband. -
Results of King Louie XVI's Death
As a result, Austria, Prussia, Spain, Portugal, Britain, and the Dutch Republic declared war on France and invated. If France lost this war , then the FRench Revolution would be crushed and France's absolute Monarchy would be restored.Source=Notes -
Regin Of Terror
When the war started the French army was losing and the Austrian and Prussian army got to within 30 miles or so of Paris.Great Britian put a naval blockade on France's ports. As a result, the french government started killing anyone who was against the revolution. Source=Notes -
Results Of The French Revolution
The results of the french revolution were, It is an end tothe monarchy in Europe. The church lost most of it's power. People have rights and freedom's now. In France, there are no longer the 3 estates, so the 3rd estate gained alot and th 1stand 2nd estate lost everything. -
Napoleon Bonaparte comes to power
The French Revolution finally ended when Napolean Bonaparte came to power. Source=French Rev. Paper