Meeting of The Estates General
A general assembly meeting for France’s 3 Estates. Louis XVI called Estates-General to a meeting in Versailles to approve a tax. It ended up not being effective and the third estate did not get what they wanted. This event is followed up with a riot. Very important event because it was the first step for the revolution. plan.https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/world-history/1600s-1800s/french-revolution-tutorial/v/french-revolution-part-4-the-rise-of-napoleon-bonaparte -
Tennis Court Oath
The Third Estate declare themselves the National Assembly and make an oath to remain opposed to the king until France becomes a Constitutional Monarchy. This is an important event because it was an important revolutionary act that believed in the fact that political authority came from the nation's people. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/third-estate-makes-tennis-court-oath -
Storming the Bastille
Paris citizens storm the Bastille, take it over, kill the royal governor, and march through the streets with his head on a pike. It is an important event because this shows how the third estate was fed up with everything and demanded change. This is a huge revolutionary act.
https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/french-revolutionaries-storm-bastille -
Declaration of the Rights of Man.
The National Assembly issued document that declares what rights are “natural, unalienable, and sacred” for all men, but it doesn’t do anything to help women or slaves. It is an important event because it is at least a step forward in human rights and step for freedom.
https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/world-history/1600s-1800s/french-revolution-tutorial/v/french-revolution-part-3-reign-of-terror -
Women's March
A large group of women in a Paris marketplace began to revolt. They wanted to buy bread for their families. They began to march through Paris demanding bread at a fair price. This is an important event because it shows how the crowd did not care about the king at all and had the power to go against or even start a riot. Especially women.
.https://www.ducksters.com/history/french_revolution/womens_march_on_versailles.php -
Flight of The Royal Family To Verennes
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette tries to run from Paris disguised as a 3rd estate, but he is recognized and stopped in Varennes. They are captured and sent back to Paris to be in house arrest in the Tuileries. This was important because the king had betrayed his country.
https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/world-history/1600s-1800s/french-revolution-tutorial/v/french-revolution-part-3-reign-of-terror -
Champs De Mars Massacre
Took place in Paris at the Champ de Mars against a crowd of republican protesters amid the French Revolution. Started by the Jacobins getting petitions to get people to go against royalty. Important even because it is a major event in in the revolution. https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/world-history/1600s-1800s/french-revolution-tutorial/v/french-revolution-part-4-the-rise-of-napoleon-bonaparte -
Decleration of Pillnutz
A declaration issued by Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II and King Frederick William II of Prussia, urging European powers to unite to restore the monarchy in France. The French government largely interpreted it as a threat to its sovereignty, and a series of provocations ensued in France like declaring war on Austria.
This is important because the system Revolutionists were trying to get rid of was trying to be brought back.
https://www.britannica.com/topic/Declaration-of-Pillnitz -
Republic Of Constitution
Created by the National Assembly during the French Revolution. It retained the monarchy, but sovereignty effectively resided in the Legislative Assembly, which was elected by a system of indirect voting. It was created after the collapse of the absolute monarchy of the Ancien Régime. It is important because it is a mixture of monarchical and revolutionary mindset.
https://www.britannica.com/topic/Constitution-of-1791-French-history -
National Assembly Dissolves
It becomes replaced by the Legislative Assembly.Feudalism, noble titles and the Ancien Régime’s other institutional inequalities had been abolished.The idealistic Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was adopted as a preamble to the new constitution.Royal absolutism was dead and the king stripped of most of his executive powers. It is important because it represented the 3rd estate. The 3rd estate was leading the country now
https://alphahistory.com/frenchrevolution/legislative-assembly/ -
Deceleration of War Against Austria
Desire to spread the ideas of the Revolution to all of Europe. Done by the Legislative Assembly. Revolutionaries wanted war because they thought war would unify the country, and had a genuine desire to spread the ideas of the Revolution to all of Europe. An important event because it promoted revolution across Europe. https://www.mtholyoke.edu/courses/rschwart/hist255/kat_anna/war.html -
Commune Storms The Tuilleries
Prussia tries to bring back Louis to power. The Revolutionists get suspicious of this act and storms where the king and queen reside. Imprison Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. This is important because the Revolutionists show their power once again and show that they are not to be taken lightly. They show that they have more power than the royalty. https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/world-history/1600s-1800s/french-revolution-tutorial/v/french-revolution-part-3-reign-of-terror -
Louis XVI and Antoinette Guillotined
The National Convention votes to kill Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette by guillotine after being convicted of conspiracy with foreign powers. This is an important event in the French revolution.
https://www.history.com/topics/france/louis-xiv -
Committee of Pubic Safety
Established by Robespierre to defend attacks from internal revolts and invasions by Austria and Prussia.. The Commitee of Public Safety was keeping people who seemed suspicious of treason away from France, which was its job. They were also trying to stop and prevent monopolies in France. It is an important event that Robespierre established. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Committee-of-Public-Safety -
Levee En Masse
It was army of the Republic where every unmarried man had to be in the army. It was a mass conscription of Frenchmen for service in the Revolutionary War. Important event in the Revolution. Promotes nationalism.
https://alphahistory.com/frenchrevolution/levee-en-masse-1793/ -
Reign of Terror
A declaration by Robespierre that Terror would be "the order of the day."Radicals took control of the revolutionary government. They arrested and executed anyone who they suspected might not be loyal to the revolution. An important event because it created a lot of chaos and is an unforgettable event in the French Revolution.
https://www.ducksters.com/history/french_revolution/reign_of_terror.php -
Robespierre Executed
Robespierre was removed from power and executed. Robespierre and a number of his followers were arrested at the Hôtel de Ville in Paris. The next day Robespierre and 21 of his followers were taken to the Place de la Révolution where they were executed by guillotine before a cheering crowd. Very important because it shows us how the catalyst in the revolution fell into his own trap.
https://www.britannica.com/biography/Maximilien-Robespierre -
Coup 'etat
Overthrew the system of government under the Directory in France and substituted the Consulate, making way for the despotism of Napoleon Bonaparte. The event is often viewed as the effective end of the French Revolution. This is important because it is the beggining of Napoleon's rise.