The French Revolution

  • The Reign of Terror begins

    The Reign of Terror begins
    The Reign of Terror began when Robespierre declared a state of terror and any political enemies of the government, which was the committee of public safety, were executed for being suspect of crimes. On September 17, The Law of Suspects was passed which allowed leaders like Robespierre to imprison 'suspects'. Also on June 19, the Law of 22 prairial was passed which expedited the conviction process and led to over 16,594 official death sentences in France under the committee of public safety.
  • Maximilien Robespierre is elected to the Committee of Public Safety

    Maximilien Robespierre is elected to the Committee of Public Safety
    Maximilien Robespierre was elected to the committee of Public safety in 1793. His fellow committee member, Georges Danton, was more moderate on his views of terror and had angered many members in the committee of Public Safety. Robespierre defended Danton until he broke with him and began to attack him and the Dantonists along with the Herbertists. The Committee of Public Safety was instituted to act like a war cabinet. He became the leader of the Committee and started the reign of terror
  • Robespierre is executed, ending the Reign of Terror and beginning the Thermidorian Reaction

    Robespierre is executed, ending the Reign of Terror and beginning the Thermidorian Reaction
    Conspiracy Theory's began to circulate about Robespierre and his followers. People of the Committee of Public Safety who wanted it to have more power and a more radical turn away from terror called for Robespierre's arrest and execution. After Robespierre's execution it ended the reign of terror and began the Thermidorian reaction and the National convention controlled the government and issued the second constitution of France in 1795 until it was superseded by the Directory.
  • Napoleon seizes power

    Napoleon seizes power
    After the reign of terror, The National Convention approved a new constitution in 1975. The executive power was in the hands of a Directory. This directory relied heavily upon the military to keep its power and specifically, A general named Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon eventually got tired of the directory's inefficiency and political corruption and staged a coup. He abolished the Directory and named himself France's first consul. He then elected two more consuls to give him advice
  • Napoleon becomes Emperor of France

    Napoleon becomes Emperor of France
    In 1800, there were several assassination attempts on Napoleon. four years later, in January of 1804 his police uncovered an assassination attempt by a man who was heavily sponsored by the Bourbon family, which were the former rulers of France. Napoleon used these assassination attempts to justify his institution of an imperial system based upon the Roman Empire. Napoleon declared himself Emperor of the French and was coronated on December 2, 1804.
  • War of the Sixth Coalition and Napoleon's 1st abdication of the throne

    War of the Sixth Coalition and Napoleon's 1st abdication of the throne
    Prussia, Austria, Sweden, Russia, Great Britain, Spain, and Portugal joined together in the 6 coalition to defeat Napoleon. The coalition defeated napoleon andoffered peace terms to end the war allowing Napoleon to remain emperor as long as France was reduced to its natural frontier. Napoleon retreated to Paris and then the senat passed the emperors demise act which deposed of napoleon. Napoleon abdicated the throne in favor of his son, but was then forced to unconditionally abdicate the throne.
  • Napoleon's exile to the Isle of Elba

    Napoleon's exile to the Isle of Elba
    After the Treaty of Fontainebleau, Napoleon was exiled to the Isle of Elba. He was given control of its 12,000 inhabitants and allowed him to keep his title of emperor. Napoleon instituted a number of legal and social reforms. Napoleon stayed there for 300 days until he returned to France.
  • Arrival of the Pharaon

    Arrival of the Pharaon
    After a few months at sea the Pharaon docks in the Harbor at Marseilles. It has traveled from Smyrna, Trieste, and Naples. On board is Edmond Dantes , first mate of the pharaon who eagerly awaits his fiance. The Pharaon also has made an unexpected stop to the Isle of Elba where Napoleon was exiled to.This is also the day when Fernand, Danglers, and Caderousse plot to imprison Dantes.
  • The Arrest of Edmond Dantes

    The Arrest of Edmond Dantes
    During Edmond's and Mercedes' Betrothal Feast, Gendarmes came and arrested Dantes because there was suspicion that he was colluding with the exiled emperor because of the letter Danglers, Fernand, and Caderousse sent in to the public prosecutors office.
  • Napoleon's return to France and the 100 days war

    Napoleon's return to France and the 100 days war
    After being separated from his wife and his child, Napoleon escaped Elba and then landed on the French coast. Napoleon made contact with the 5th regiment and they declared him their emperor and they marched towards Paris with a growing army. King Louis XVIII fled to Belgium after realizing he did not have any political support. The Congress of Vienna declared Napoleon an outlaw and the 7 coalition was formed. Napoleon was defeated at the battle of Waterloo and lost the war.
  • Napoleon's 2nd abdication of the throne

    Napoleon's 2nd abdication of the throne
    Napoleon returned back to Paris after his defeat to find the people and the government had turned against him.He abdicated the throne on June 22, again in favor of his son.He left Paris 3 days later and fled to Josephine's Palace in Mailmaison. After Napoleon heard that the Prussian troops had orders to capture him dead or alive he fled to Rochefort,considering an escape to the US.The British were blocking the ports and then Napoleon demanded asylum from Frederick Maitland on the HMS Bellerophon
  • Dantes Father Dies of Hunger

    After 5 months after the imprisonment of Edmond Dantes his father was not well taken care of and because he sometimes refused the food he died of hunger
  • Napoleon's second Exile to St. Helena

    Napoleon's second Exile to St. Helena
    After Napoleon demanded asylum from the British Captain Frederick Maitland He was sent to the island of St. Helena off the coast of West Africa by the British. He was put in the longwood house on the island. Napoleon stayed there on the island until his death of stomach cancer in 1821.