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The French Revolution

  • The publication of the Social Contract by Rousseau

    The publication of the Social Contract by Rousseau
    This contract shows the rights the french people had.It stated that we need a leader.
  • The end of the 7 year war

    The end of the 7 year war
    A global war that was against all the great powers.The British empire won.
  • The American revolution

    The American revolution
    Americans were under control by the Britans and were treated unfair.The king taxed them a lot and there was no justice.
  • Formation of the National Assembly

    Formation of the National Assembly
    A revolutionary assembly held by the third estate.The people demanded that the king make economic reforms.
  • Tennis court oath

    Tennis court oath
    A important part in the french revolution when the people demanded a change to the French government. They vowed "not to separate and to reassemble wherever circumstances require, until the constitution of the kingdom is established".
  • Women's march of Versailles

    Women's march of Versailles
    An important and early event in the revolution.It gave revolutionary's confidence and power in the people.
  • The first constitution of France

    The first constitution of France
    It was the first constitution the French made.It was short lived and made after the collapse of the French monarchy.
  • The murder of Marat

    The murder of Marat
    The murder of Marat was an art piece by David. It is based of the actual assassination of Marat.Marat was killed by Charlotte Corday,Corady was executed four days later.
  • The Terror

    The Terror
    a period during the French revolution in which Robespierre was executed and a monarchy in France was no more.It led to the creation of the Committee of public safety.There were constant public executions with a guillotine.
  • The massacre of Lyon

    The massacre of Lyon
    A counter-revolutionary movement in the city of Lyon during the french revolution.IN which French republican forces laid siege and captured the city of Lyon.