
The French Revolution

  • Storming of the Bastille

    One of the most important events of the French Revolution was the storming of the Bastille. In 1789, angry French citizens marched to the Bastille prison in response to rumors of a military coup. When the citizens arrived they demanded gunpowder, but the governor refused and the citizens laid seize to the prison until he gave up. This event is important because it was one of the first major events of the French Revolution.
  • Louis XIV Called the Estates General

    During the premature stages of the French Revolution, France were struggling severely with financial hardship. Due to all of the wars France participated in before the French Revolution it caused the country to enter debt. Also, the building of the Palace of Versailles almost caused the nation to go bankrupt. Once the Estates General met there was immediate backlash. With the Third Estate only getting one vote despite representing over 96% of France
  • Writing of The Declaration of Rights of Man

    The Declaration of Rights of Man was one of the most significant events of the French Revolution. Written in 1789, the Declaration of Rights of Man incorporated Enlightenment ideals and outlined the basic freedom of all men in France. It also asserted the sovereignty of the people.
  • Establishment of the New Constitution

    The Constitution of 1791 was established by the National Assembly after the fall of the Estates General during the early years of the French Revolution. The newly established constitution kept a monarch, but it stated that sovereignty effectively resided in the Legislative Assembly, which was elected by a system of indirect voting.
  • Execution of the KIng and Queen/Beginning of the Reign of Terror

    After the National Assembly declared its self to be the only true government of France, King Louis XVI and his wife tried to flee the country to Austria . They failed, following their arrest the Jacobins lead by Robespierre took control of the country. In 1793 the Louis XVI and his wife were executed and the Reign of Terror began. The Reign of Terror was period lasting form July 1793-July 1794, during this time the Jacobins executed thousands of people for speaking out against the government.
  • Napoleon Overthrows the Directory

    Napoleon was an Italian born French citizens who became a very important military general in France. With his military prominence, Napoleon was able to overthrown the acting government of France, the Directory, with a coup d'état in 1799. This event would mark his first reign as Emperor of France.
  • Napoleon Builds an Empire

    When Napoleon gains full control of France he sets on military conquest of Europe. Imediatley after becoming Emperor, Napoleon is already at war with the Second Coalition. The Second Coalition was established because other European countries did not want their subjects to overthrow the government and establish a monarchy.
  • Napoleon Invades Russia

    With Napoleon’s military success continuing, Napoleon makes the boldest decision of his reign. He decides to invade Russia. Napoleon’s invasion of Russia is an utter failure because his troops were unprepared to brave the hardship of the Russian winter. Napoleon brought 300,000 men, but only 10,000 returned to France.
  • Napoleon Defeated at Waterloo

    After returning from exile on the Isle of Elba in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, Napoleon regained his instantly upon returning to France. Shortly after Napoleon faced off against General Wellington in the Battle of Waterloo. Napoleon would be defeated for the final time. After the loss, Napoleon was exile once again this time to St. Helena where he would later die of a stomach ailment.
  • The Congress of Vienna meets

    The Congress of Vienna was a series of international meetings held in Europe to help establish peace across Europe. The other goal was to establish a principal of maintaining balance of power.