The french revolution

  • King Louis calls the Estates General Together

    King Louis calls the Estates  General Together
    Facing crippling debt, the monarch of France, King Louis XVI assembles the Three Estates. Louis wishes to raise the taxes on the citizens of France, but law states that he can only do so with the approval of the Three Estates. However, what Louis did not
  • The Fall of Bastille

    The Fall of Bastille
    When the rumors had spread about royal troops occupying Paris, many of the Parisians had gathered outside of the Bastille, Chaos had broke out and this caused hundreds in the crowd to die . The mob broke through the barriers, finding no weapons. This event became a symbol of tyranny and a symbol of the French Revolution.
  • the tennis court oath

    the tennis court oath
    The Royal officials had locked the national assembly out of there Regualr meeting Which led to the members of the assembly to use the kings indoor tennis court to meet and then they take an oath called the tennis court oath Promising that they will never disperse until they give France a new constitution
  • The march of Women

    The march of Women
    A large crowd of women began to riot over the quantity of bread and the rising prices of it. women had marched for twelve miles from Paris to Versailles to prove there point . These women were fed up with the extravagant living of the King and Queen when they were going hungry. The women had demanded for the King to return with them to Paris and the king agreed. The women were taking action during the revolution.
  • The royal escape

    The royal escape
    King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette had an embarrassing situation in Paris which led to them wanting to flee . King Louis XVI and his family used disguises to flee however they where discovered and taken back which made people view them even worse and think of them as traitors.
  • Creation of The National Convention

    Creation of The National Convention
    The national convection had been elected as a legislative body and it had held executive power in France> This convention had started that they would abolish the monarchy going on in France and make France an republic.
  • Execution of Monarchy

    Execution of Monarchy
    After King louis XVI was found to be a tarator the National convention held him on trial and he was sentenced to death by just one vote , Since he was sentenced to death more people had power and many hoped for a revolution to help get rid of the bad that was caused in France
  • The reign of terror

    The reign of terror
    The reign of terror was started by a man named Maximilien Robespierre and he executed anyone who had a different pollical view than him because he saw them as a threat to what he was trying to build
  • The death of Robespierre

    The death of Robespierre
    on this date Maximilien Robespierre was sentenced to get beheaded in front of many people. Robespierre was executed because he was getting unpopualry with all the supports and this caused everyone to see him as a dictator and want him gone . This lead to the end of the reign of terror because once Robespierre died , The reign of terror died with him .
  • Constitution of 1795

    Constitution of 1795
    The French constitution was established during the French revolution . This constitution was accepted by the National convention however it still concentrated on the reconstruction of the government during this time period
  • The Directory

    The Directory
    The Constitution of 1795 established this five-man Directory and a two-house legislature elected by male citizens of property. It faced dissatisfaction. The leaders didn't always succeed in solving the problems however The Directory helped silence riots but They made a mistake when they had turned to Napoleon Bonaparte so he can help in advancing their ideas when he ended up becoming ruler of France.
  • Napoleon Crowns Himself emperor

    Napoleon Crowns Himself emperor
    Napoleon crowns himself Emperor in Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris, and the French voters all supported him. While the pope was waiting for Napoleon, Napolean had came and took the crown from the pope right away. Napoleon had seen himself as more powerful than the Church.
  • The Battle of Trafalgar

    The Battle of Trafalgar
    This Battle of Trafalgar was fought off of Cape Trafalgar which is on the Spanish coasts. Napoleon and his French army had decided to invade Britain but Admiral Nelson tried to stop him. Nelson's Royal Navy had 27 ships while the Spanish and French had 33 vessels. The British had captured and destroyed most of their vessels. This was a huge win for Britain.
  • The Battle of Austerlitz

    This event is known as one of Napoleon's greatest victories ever . This battle had took place near Austerlitz. Napoleon had received threats from both Russia and Austria, so he abandoned his ambitions to invade England and Napoleon told his enemies he wanted a truce, since, his army was weak, however, this was his plan to join with his allies. The armies of Napoleon's enemies, Russia and Austria were destroyed.
  • Invasion of spain

    The French had already dominated most of Europe. Napoleon had replaced the king of Spain with his brother, Joseph . Napoleon decided to invade Portugal because he realized that they did not pay any attention to the Continental System. so he decided to he moved troops through Spain in order to invade. However, many of Spaniards were angered by the replacement of their former king. French forces fought against the resistance
  • The invasion of Russia

    The invasion of Russia
    Napoleons Russian ally was not agreeing with his designs so had made the decision to invade Russia . He had led many of his troops, into Russia. However, the Russians had a tactic in which the Russians had burned everything as they moved East, leaving nothing for the French. Napoleon had captured Moscow but it was also destroyed. The weather was an element that did not help them and that led to The winter Killing thousands of his men. this caused him to be defeated.
  • Battle of waterloo

    Battle  of waterloo
    The Battle of Waterloo was the final battle of the French Revolution and it was the last battle Napoleon Boneparte ever fought in. The Battle of Waterloo was fought in present day Belgium. Napoleon’s French forces were outnumbered by the combined armies of the English and the Prussians, led by British officer the Duke of Wellington. When Napoleon was defeated, the French throne was once again given to King Louis XVIII.