The French Revolution

By K32364
  • 1715

    french commerce increased and France was second to Great Britain trade.
  • The Great Fear

    The Peasants revolt because of the shortage of grain. New nobility laws are created because of these revolots.
  • Calling of Estates General

    Louis XVI called the Estates General for the first time in 175 years.
  • The National Assembly is created and the third estate creates the tennis court oath

    The National Assembly is an assembly created by the the third estate and they stated in the tennis court oath that they won't dessolve until France becomes a Constitution.
  • Louis XVI recognizes the National Assembly

    He allows each estate to vote.
  • Storming of Bastille

    An angry mob storms the Bastille in Paris and kills the prisoners and the leader as well.
  • Nobles surrender their priveleges

    Under the decrees of August 4th, the National Assembly abolished "feudal system" and they abolished feudalism. They also abolished nobles hunting rights and abolished tax exemptions.
  • Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen

    The Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen was created and stated all the new laws created.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    Peasant women raid Versailles wanting to kill the Queen because bread prices rose. In the end they forced the Queen and King to move to Paris.
  • Flight of Louis XVI

    Louis fled with his family to Varennes, Austria but was caught.
  • Monarchy was abolished

    Louis was abolished
  • War declared on Austria

    France declared war on Austria and Austria and Prussia allied against France.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Louis XVI was executed using the guillotine because he committed treason
  • Execution of Marie Antoinette

    Marie Antoinette was also executed for treason using the guillotine.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Robespierre gets beheaded.
  • Napoleon Seizes Power

    Napolean becomes the "king of France".
  • Napoleon invades Russia

    France invaded Russia but was caught in a winter storm on the way out.
  • Paris falls to the third coalition troops

    Napoleon is exiled to Elba, Italy
  • Napoleon escapes from Elba.

    Napoleon looses the Battle at Waterloo
  • Napoleon is banished.

    He gets banished to St. Helena and died there.