The French Revolution

  • Price of Bread

    The price of bread went up. The usual family would 50 percent of their money on bread, now the percent went up to 88 percent of their money.
  • Period: to

    National Assembly (Moderate Phase)

    A simpler time before the bloodshed began.
  • Estates General

    The French government was having a financial problem
  • Stalemate is broken

    The Third estate brakes the stalemate by taking measures into their own hands
  • French Revolution

    The Third Estate starts the French Revolution after getting tired of the Monarchy.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    The Third estate takes an oath to work for the rights of the people.
  • Joining the 3rd Estate

    The clergy and nobility join the 3rd estate as told to do by the king himself.
  • Storming of The Bastille

    A state prison was attacked by an angry mob and was taken apart brick by brick.
  • French Aristocrats

    Te French Aristocrats gave up their rights unwillingly.
  • Rights of Man

    Is an important paper of the French revolution explaining the reason for wanting freedoms of speech and more rights.
  • The Flight to Varennes

    The Royal family left to flee the revolution.
  • Period: to

    National Assembly (Radical Phase)

    The bloodshed begins as the tension rises.
  • France vs. Austria

    France declares war against Austria because they believed that Austria was gonna attack them.
  • Invasion of the Tuileries

    The people of France marched to Tuileries to kill the people of the land.
  • Louis XVI is overthrown

    The king was overthrown and eventually beheaded.
  • September Massacres

    There was a fear of people being spies or potting against the people of France
  • National Convention

    The first meeting of the National Convention was the French's first time becoming a republic.
  • Speech of Marquis de Condorcet

    The speech was about how the people had a right to freedom of speech and the freedom of press.
  • The fallen king

    King Louis XVI is executed on the basis of treason.
  • Committee of Public Safety

    The committee of public safety was created during France's Reign of Terror. The group was run by the defects of the French revolution.
  • Journee of June 2

    The Journee's of the French resulted in the fall of Girondin.
  • The Law 22 Pairial

    The law of Terror was brought to light and would fill the country of France with fear.
  • Moderate Construction of 1795

    A conservative meeting that followed the constitution.
  • Period: to


    When the Directory, a committee which consisted of 5 members that replaced the Committee of Public safety, came to power.
  • Directory Government begins

    The Directory was a form of government that followed shortly after the Public Safety Committee.
  • Treaty of Basel

    Is when France signed several peace treaties with multiple countries.
  • Bonaparte promoted

    Bonaparte was named head of the Italian army.
  • Austria in Leoben

    France signs a peace treaty with Austria to make amends with the war.
  • Coup d'etat of Fructidor

    The Directory was losing the trust of the people and decided to call upon Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Treaty of Campo Formio

    France and Austria have an official peace treaty.
  • Period: to

    Age of Napoleon

    Napoleon Bonaparte overthrows the Directory.
  • Bonaparte in France

    Napoleon Bonaparte arrives in France.
  • Napoleonic Code

    The code gave Franc e it's first set of actual laws after the french revolution.
  • Emperor of France

    Napoleon III, became the Emperor of France.