The French Revolution

  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    The tennis court oath was a result of the 3rd estate knowing that the current voting system gave them a guarantee they would never have the majority. One day the 3rd hall was closed for "redecoration". So, instead they went to the king's tennis court. There, they swore not to be broken up until they were recognized as a national assembly.
  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    There were seven prisoners and alot of gunpowder in bastille. The people decided that since Bastille stood for everything they didnt like, such as royal athority. They decided to free the prisoners and tear down bastille. They stole weapons, freed the seven prisoners, killed the guards in Bastille, and tore down Bastille with there bare hands.
  • Women's March To Versailles

    Women's March To Versailles
    Around 7,000 working women marched to Versailles and demanded that the king and queen gave thm bread. The towns people were almost starving while they continued to have feasts. The women marched through with pitchforks and muskets. Marie Antoinette, the queen, managed to escape. Her two guards weren't so lucky, and were stabed with pitch forks. She was later on the balcony with the angry women below her. They realised they held the power over her so they did not kill her and left.
  • Flight To Varennes

    Flight To Varennes
    The royals attempted to escape France to Austria where the royals were safe. The family was captured only a couple miles from the Austria border. The trust in King Louis XVI was lowered as they thought about the chance of a counter-attack.
  • Champ de Mars Massacres

    Champ de Mars Massacres
    Crowds gathered to sign a petition for a republican constitution. Things got out of hand and the national guard was called in. Around fifty people were killed and many injured. Now another revolution was sparked inside this one, aiming to turn France into a republic.
  • Storming of the Tuileries

    Storming of the Tuileries
    The popular movement marched into the king's Tuiileries Palace and demanded he wear a red bonnet, as a symbol of revolution, and toast the nation. He reluctantly did so. The crowd also demanded he end his veto powers, which he calmly refused and the crowd left.
  • Overthrow of the Monarchy

    Overthrow of the Monarchy
    2,000 people were organized for a demonstration against the king. As the crowd marched and demanded the overthrow of the king the national guards switched sides and joined the crowd. The swiss guards stayed loyal and fired at the crowd. The crowd left, killing servants and guards.
  • September Massacres

    September Massacres
    Caused by the threat of invasion, people formed vigilante groups and killed 1,200 prisoners on suspision of counter-revolutionary planning. (This was very unlikely.)
  • Republic is declared

    Republic is declared
    The national convention was set up to set up a new constitution after the deposition of the king. It first met on September 21st and the next day declared france a republic.