Louis XVII was born.
Marie Antoinette was born.
Napoleon Bonaparte was born.
Old Regime remained in place
France's economy was in decline.
The bankers refused to lend the government any more money.
Louis XVI call a meeting of the Estates General in Versailles.
Third estate voted to establish the National Assembly.
Tennis Court Oath
Mob stormed the Bastille.
Noblemen declaired their love of liberty and equality.
Thousand Persian women demanded that Louis and Marie Antoinette to return to Paris.
Royal family tries to escape.
National Assembly complete the new constitution.
Nartional Convention
The legislative Assembly declaired war.
20,000 men and woman invaded the Tuileries.
Jacobins Takes Control
Maximilien Robespierre slowly gained power.
Louis XVI step to the scaffold to be headed by guillotine
Convention ordered a draft of 300,000 french citizens between ages 18 &40
Robes pierre became leader of the Committee of Public Safety
Georges Danton found himself in danger
National Convention turned on Robespierre
Robespierre went to the guillotine
Directory appointed Napoleon to lead a French army
Directory had lost control of the political situation.
Britain, Austria, and Russia joined forces to drive Napoleon from power
Plebiscite was held to approve a new constitution.
Napoleon was crown as Emperor
Battle of Austerlitz
Battle of Trafalgar
Napoleon set up a Blockade
US declaired war on Britain
The Invation of Russia
Battle of Borodino
Napoleon Suffers Defeat
Allied armies were pushing steadily toward Paris.
Napoleon gave up his throne.
Napoleon escaped from Elba.
Napoleon attacked in Waterloo.
Napoleon dies