The British Get Defeated at Ft. Duquesne
The British were defeated at Ft. Duquesne in 1755. Braddock’s British army made up of 1,500 men were defeated by the French & Indian. Photo URL: https://bunkr-private-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/1/e/b/1eb01cff-3a4a-458c-9d04-8624435c9707_orig.jpg -
The French Take Over Ft. Oswego
French take Ft. Oswego in 1756. Montcalm, the French Commander, was alarmed to learn that his allies, the Indians, took scalps of soldiers, killed the soldiers who were hurt, and turned the captives into slaves. -
The Battle of Quebec
The Battle of Quebec was won by the British in 1759. British General, James Wolfe, and French commander, Montcalm, were both killed during the battle. Photo URL: http://thebattleofquebec.weebly.com/uploads/1/5/9/8/15986480/425469.jpg?555 -
The Battle of Quiberon Bay
The Battle of Quiberon Bay also happened in 1759, off the coast of France, close to St. Nazaire. When the British won, it didn’t allow the French navy to regain forces in Canada. Photo URL: http://img.xcitefun.net/users/2014/01/349183,xcitefun-traditional-paintings-of-battle-of-quibe.jpg -
French Surrenders Montreal
The French were defeated in war since they were outnumbered. They surrendered Montreal, which lays on the St. Lawrence river. Photo URL: http://mrnussbaum.com/fiwar1/surrender_of_montreal.jpg -
The Treaty of Paris
The Treaty of Paris happened in 1763. France lost all the land they had in North America. The rest of the land was shared by Spain and England. Spain got everything west of the New Orleans and Mississippi. Every land east from the Mississippi River and Canada went to England.