French builds Fort Duquesne
The french built Fort Duquesne to protect their territory. This was important because this is what really started the French and Indian war, the french wanted to defend their property, but the British wouldn't haven't. -
Albany congress approves plan of union
When Benjamin Franklin saw how the Indian government was ran, he was inspired to have the colonial government run like that. He created a cartoon to warn the colonists that if they don't join together, they will be beaten by the French, but unfortunatly, nobody would listen. -
Ben Franklin publishes Join or Die cartoon
When Benjamin Franklin saw how the Indian government was ran, he was inspired to have the colonial government run like that. He created a cartoon to warn the colonists that if they don't join together, they will be beaten by the French, but unfortunatly, nobody would listen. -
Washington builds Fort Necessity
Washington built Fort Necessity to use when he really needed it, it was really a necessity. He built this small almost weak fort to use when he had to survey the land of Fort Duquesne. -
Washington surrenders Fort Necessity
When washington was surveying Fort Duquesne, he had built a small fort only as a necessity, and had named it Fort Necessity, but when the French fought back because they refused to surrender Fort Duquesne, Washington lost their battle and had to surrender Fort Necessity which was later burned to the grounds by the French. -
Battle of Lake George
This was a important event because it was the first battle won by the British mainly because they had the Iroquois on their side fighting for them, but this also showed that the British were getting stronger, and this was just the beginning. -
William Johnson convinces Iroquois to join war
When the British lost the battle to the French, they knew they needed more men, and Will Johnson was happy to help. He went to his other allies, the Iroquois, to convice them to fight, at first they were hesitant, they didn't want to be part of the white men's war, but eventually they agreed and the British then had more men to fight for them. -
General Edward Braddock joins war
Before the first attack on the French, General Edward Braddock had joined the war to battle against the French. His arrival was important because without him he would have never come up with the idea to blockade the St. Lawrence river and beat the French in the battle of Quebec. -
First French and Indian attack on British
When the British were traveling through the forest, suddenly the French and Indians attacked the British. This event was important because It was the first battle the French had won, which encouraged the French to keep fighting and the British to step up. -
Acadians refuse to swear loyalty to Britian
This was an important event because when the Acadians refused to swear loyalty to Britian, they ended up getting expelled from Nova Scotia which made the British lose a chance of allies and made their battles harder than they should be. -
War declared!
This was a extremely important event because this was the signed approval that the British were (officially) at war with the French, and this was so all people s well from both countries knew not to stand in their way. -
Blockade at St. Lawrence River
This was an important event because this blockade slowly made the French weaker, which later ended up leading to the surrender of Fort Niagra and more importantly the Battle of Quebec, which then ended the war. -
Amherst captures Louisberg
This event was important because this was one of the many important events that lead up to the biggest event of all, the Battle of Quebec. -
Warraghiyagey captures Fort Niagra
This event was important because this was one of the many battles that proved that the British were strong, and eventually proved that the British were strong enough to beat the French and win the war. -
Montreal falls to Amherst
This event was important because the French city Montreal on the north american land was taken from the French and given to the British, which later changed it to colonies of their own. -
Braddock and troops defeated by French
When Braddock and his troops tried to attack on Fort Duquesne, it didn't go so well they lost many men and the French ended up winning the battle again, which only made the British want to work harder and eventually win the war. -
Battle of Quebec
This was probably the most important event out of the French and Indian war because, leaders from both sides were lost yet the British, with thir Iroquois indian allies, still managed to conquer the French, win the war and the frontier. -
Montcalm and Wolfe are killed
This is an impotant event because these were both leaders, on of the French, and one of the British, but even though it was tragic losses for both sides, the British still managed to conquer the French. -
France surrenders land
This event was important because this was around the time that the british had taken all of the French land when they won the war, and later changed it to the states we know today. -
Treaty of Paris signed
This event was very important because this was the official document that stated that the British had won the war and that the Frenchhad to surrender all their land to them, which they did for the British to create it what is the states we know today.