The french and indian war

The French and Indian war

  • Period: to

    King Goerge's War

    The warm up to The French and Indian War, a fight between France and England, resulting in the treaty "Aix-La-Chapelle".
  • British and French Representives meet

    British and French Representives meet
    The French and British representives meet in Paris to try to solve the territorial disputes, no progress was made.`1
  • Marquis Duquesne

    Marquis Duquesne
    Marquis Duquesne was made governor-general of New France with instructions to take possesion of the Ohio Valley, removing the British from this area
  • French take Fort Necessity

    French take Fort Necessity
    The French conquer Fort Necessity
  • Washington's Resignation

    Washington's Resignation
    George Washington resigned because he was blamed for Fort Necessity.
  • Period: to

    The French and Indian War

    The war betweem Great Britian and France, Fighting for US territory.
  • Period: to

    Declarations of War

    France declares war on Britian, and Britian declares war on France.
  • Fort Oswego

    Fort Oswego
    The French captured Fort Oswego on the banks of the Great Lakes.
  • Peace between the British and the Indians

    Peace between the British and the Indians
    Peace comes between the British and the Indians. (Iroquois, Shawnee, and Delaware Indians)
  • Peace Treaty establishment

    Peace Treaty establishment
    The peace treaty of the French and Indian War also known as the "Peace of Paris" stated that the British got all of the Spainish United States territory.