The French and Indian War

By mbarkir
  • Period: to

    The French and Indian War

  • The French Build Fort Duquesne

    The French Build Fort Duquesne
    The French built Fort Duquesne after forcing the British garrison to surrender.
    It became one of the focal points of the war due to its strategic location.
  • Battle of Fort Necessity

    Battle of Fort Necessity
    The French attacked the Virginians , but then surrendered when he miscalculated the position of the fort and Washington fired back.
    When news of the battle had reached England, the government decided to send an army expedition the following year.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    The Albany Plan of Union was a proposal created to unify the thirteen colonies.
    This was significant to the war due to the fact that it ultimately united the colonies, and made them work together.
  • Battle of Fort Duquesne

    Battle of Fort Duquesne
    A British assault on the French fort.
    The attack on the fort caused the French to retreat in the end.
  • Battle of Quebec (1759)

    Battle of Quebec (1759)
    Important battle in the Seven Years' War fought by the British Army and Navy and the French Army.
    In 1763 the Treaty of Paris was signed to end the war after the battle.
  • Treaty of Paris (1763)

    Treaty of Paris (1763)
    It was signed by the kingdoms of France, Great Britain, Spain, and Portugal after Britain's victory over France and Spain during the Seven Years' War.
    Territories were exchanged, since Britain had conquered much land during the war.
  • Pontiac’s Rebellion

    Pontiac’s Rebellion
    Launched by a confederation of Native American tribes who were not satisfied with the postwar policies issued by the British. It began when Native Americans attacked forts and settlements belonging to the British.
    In response, the British Government issued the Proclamation of 1763.
  • British Parliament passes the Proclamation of 1763

    British Parliament passes the Proclamation of 1763
    Issued by King George lll, following Great Britain's acquisition of French territory in North America after the French and Indian War.
    The purpose of the proclamation was to organize Great Britain's new North American empire and to stabilize relations with Native North Americans through regulation of trade, settlement, and land purchases on the western frontier.
  • George Grenville becomes British Prime Minister

    George Grenville becomes British Prime Minister
    On 8 April 1763, Lord Bute resigned from his job, and Grenville took his place as Prime Minister.
    He issued the Stamp Act, which was a common tax in Great Britain that was used against the American colonies.
  • Parliament passes the Sugar Act

    Parliament passes the Sugar Act
    Also known as the American Revenue Act, was passed by the Parliament of Great Britain stating "it is expedient that new provisions and regulations should be established for improving the revenue of this Kingdom ... and ... it is just and necessary that a revenue should be raised ... for defraying the expenses of defending, protecting, and securing the same."
    This act made the colonists aware of how much control Britain actually had over them and made them want to be independent.
  • William Pitt becomes British Prime Minister

    William Pitt becomes British Prime Minister
    British prime minister during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars.
    He had considerable influence in strengthening the office of the prime minister.