
The Franks

  • 500

    Rome Ends

  • Period: 500 to

    The Franks

  • 511

    clovis's rule ends

    -converts, baptised his sons that eventually die
    -converts after a battle
    -Christianity gets stronger and spreads faster
    -conthalasm begins to spread
  • Nov 13, 714

    charles martel's rule begins

  • Nov 13, 741

    charles martel's rule ends

    -gives land to church before winning the battle of tours
    - converts people to fight for him
    -preserves Europe from Islam
  • Nov 13, 741

    Pepin the short's rule

  • clovis's rule begins

  • Pepin the short's rule ends

    -goes to war against Lombards after the Pope needing aid
    - son of Pepin the short, builds schools and churches
    -800-chrismas day, crowned emperor of the romans
    -holy roman empire, not holy, not an empire, not roman
  • louis the pious's rule begins

  • louis the pious's rule ends

    -short sighted
    -doesn’t plan ahead
  • treaty of verdun

    sons of louis the pious
    -charles the bald
    -louis the german
    -3 kingdoms
    -treaty of verdun:843(divided empire)