Clovis' Death
Jan 1, 714
Charles Martel becomes ruler
Jan 1, 732
The Battle of Tours
Charles Martel defeats the Islamic army in France at the Battle of Tours in 732. This halts their progression into Europe, ensuring Christianity's predominance in that area. -
Jan 1, 741
Charles Martel's death
Jan 1, 751
Pepin the Short becomes Ruler
Son of Charles Martel, Pepin goes to war against the Lombards and eventually, his son becomes their king as well as king of the Franks. He also gives aid to the pope. -
Clovis Becomes Ruler
He converted to Christianity because the people are more Christian than Pagan. The conversion helped Clovis unite his kingdom and secure his power, helped the church spread Catholicism and gave them military power, and helped unify and stabilize Europe, giving them political and economic benefits. -
Pepin the Short's dies; Charlemagne becomes Ruler
Son of Pepin the Short, Charlemagne expanded the empire, built schools and churches, gave aid to the pope just like Pepin the Short, and was a firm believer of Christianity who greatly helped spread it. Later in his life, he was Ruler of the Franks, King of the Lombards, and Emperor of the Romans. -
Charlemagne is crowned "Emperor of the Romans"
Charlemagne dies, Louis the Pious becomes Ruler
He was well meaning, and had good intentions, but was short sighted, unable to plan ahead for the future. -
Louis the Pious' death
Upon Louis the Pious' death, the Frankish Empire was ruled by his three sons, or the three grandsons of Charlemagne. -
The Treaty of Verdun is signed
This split the Frankish Empire into three parts, with each of Charlemagne's grandsons rulng over one portion.