Period: 594 BCE to 594 BCE
the establishment of Democracy
The first form of democracy was established from the Athenians were Pericles the ruler at the time vowed to fix the broken city state that was Athens. He then got together with some of his trusted men and created the first form of democracy. The year was 594,Pericles was the first king that created a stable democracy that lasted for many years. And democracy was the first form of government that listens to the people and gave the people voices to vote and be apart of the government choices . -
490 BCE
the battle of Marathon
The Athenians vs the Persians this was the battle of marathon it was the starting point of the Persian wars . hence the name marathon it was named that because the battle took place at the city state marathon and a messenger ran 26 miles to Athens to tell them about winning the battle and that's where we get the marathon run from. the year that it took place was 490 bce and the significance was that the battle of marathon was won by using the phalanx formation. -
Period: 480 BCE to 480
the battel of Thermopylae
The Spartans and Greeks vs the Persians this was the battle of Thermopylae it was the second battle of the Persian wars and it took place at the Thermopylae mountain pass they stayed for three days and then found a secret passage gave by a traitor the year that it took place was 480 bce and the significance was the Greeks were trying to stop xerxes from taking over Athens. -
Period: 480 BCE to 480 BCE
the battle of Salamis
The Greeks vs the Persians this was the battle of salamis it was a sea battle and it was the final battle of the Persian wars. The sea battle took place around the Greek city states and just that area. The Greeks won even though there were more Persians. The year was 480 bce the battle took place because they were trying to prevent xerxes from taking over Athens and the Greeks won the Persian wars. -
Period: 478 BCE to 478
Dillian League
The Delian league had the chief officials including treasures and commanders looking after it and there was a defensive alliance formed by the Athenians and it was located on the island of Delos and it took place 478 bce and they used it to win the Persian war and the Delian league liberated virtually all the Greek states from Persian control. -
Period: 461 BCE to 429 BCE
Golden Ages
The golden age was one of Athens best times the Athenians where lead to prosperity by the leader at the time Pericles. He was a great leader and he lead his people to great wealth he reconstructed Athens and the Parthenon and they then blossomed and made art in the front of buildings and constructed columns and then later on continued down the path of writing and performing comedies and tragedies. The golden age lasted 461-429 bce -
Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE
Peloponnesian wars
The Peloponnesian wars were lead by Pericles he was the ruler at the time. The war was caused by the Athenians and Spartans getting in a long feud with each other that sparked the Peloponnesian wars. The wars were Athens vs Sparta mainly, the battles lasted from 431 - 404 . The historical significance was when the wars were going on there started a plague in Athens that infected people fast and killed them even faster the Athenians grew week and were only caring about there people. -
Period: 356 BCE to 356 BCE
Macedonia corrupts Greece
Macedonia was home to king Philip the second and his son alexander the great as he was going to be know to be. Philip corrupt and took over Greece and many other places it was Greece vs Macedonia and it was 356 bce. And Greece couldn't be conquered by Sparta or Athens but when Phillip stepped in and took it over easily it was not heard of.