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Book cover

The Five Ancestors: Tiger

  • The Attack

    The Attack
    A Chinese temple, Cangzhen Temple, was attacked by Ying's army which forced Fu, Malao, Hok, Long and Sei to hide. They all are masters of Shaolin Kung Fu.
  • Run Away

    Run Away
    Fu, Hok, Malao, Long and Sei were tired of hiding so they ran away from the temple, going their own ways. Fu ran into the forest.
  • Baby Tiger

    Baby Tiger
    Fu is in the forest for a few days without any food or water. He finds a pocher that killed a tiger and that was going to kill the tiger's baby. Fu saved the baby tiger and cared for it.
  • Run Away #2

    Run Away #2
    The tiger has grown a lot. As Fu is approching a village, the tiger gets scared and runs back into the forest.
  • Kidnapped

    When Fu got into the city, he was kidnapped and he woke up in a prison cell to fight Chinese boxers.
  • The Plan

    The Plan
    After a fight, Fu was put back into the cell. He meets his one of his brothers, Malao. Then he and Malao decide to make a plan to escape.
  • Mysterious Man

    Mysterious Man
    As they are escaping, a mysterious man helps them. They escape the building with the help of the mysterious man.
  • Hok

    Fu and Malao have escaped the building. A few days pass and they are wandering in the forest hoping to find something to eat. They hear somebody, they meet another one of their brothers, Hok.
  • Dad

    As the 3 boys were wondering around, they meet the mysterious man that had helped Fu and Malao escape the village. They find out that the man is Fu's dad.
  • Ambushed

    As Fu, Malao, Hok and Fu's dad go along a dirt path. A small troop of Ying's army has ambushed them.
  • TBC

    Fu, Hok, Malao, and Fu's dad decide to fight the ambush. When they are losing, Fu's tiger, fully grown, finds them and helps them fight the ambush. They win with the help of the tiger. Fu decides to let the tiger go free for helping them. Fu, Hok, Malao, and Fu's dad continue their journey to stop the empire.
  • Was the Book Accurate?

    The book was accurate in some parts of the book. The things that were off were the names, Hok's real name would be Ng Mui. Fu's name would be Bak Sao. Overall, the book was really go