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The First World War ant the Russian Revolution

  • Triple Alliance

    Agreement signed between the German Empire, Austria-Hungary and Italy
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    This tried to stablish rules for the colonisation of the African continent by European Empires
  • The First Moroccan Crises

    The German Empite offered to help Morocco against France, but the autorisation of a Franco-Spanish protectorate forced the Germans to back down.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    A revolution demanding the end of autocracy in Russia
  • Argelias Conference

    Autorished a Franco-Spanish protectorate in Morocco
  • Triple Entente

    Mutual aid pact between France, Russia and Britain
  • Annexoration of Bosnia-Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary

  • First Balkan War

    First Balkan War
  • Second Balkan War

    Second Balkan War
  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    The heir to the Astro-Hungarian Empire was assassinated in Sarajevo by a Bosnian student who has links with Serbian nationalist organisations
  • Declaration of war

    Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary to protect Servia, and Germany declare war on Russia and France. Great Britain declared war on Germany and Austria Hungary after the German army invaded Belgium
  • Period: to

    First World War

  • German and French movilisation

  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The Germans launched a new offensive on the Western Front but the French stopped them
  • The beggining of the Russian Revolution

    The beggining of the Russian Revolution
  • Settlement of a provisional government in Russia

    Settlement of a provisional government in Russia
    There was a large demostration followed by a general strike and riots in the barracks. The tsar abdicated and there was proclaimed a republic headed by a provisional government.
  • Period: to

    Russian Revolution

  • April Thenses

    April Thenses
    Lenin, the Bolsheviks leader, published his new ideas for government in the April Thenses
  • The Red Guards and the insurrection

    The Bolsheviks created their own armed militia and prepared for an insurrection
  • Constituent Assembly

    There were elections held for this constituation and convened by the provisional government
  • Armisticio

    Agreement setting a date to stop the war
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    This treaty imposes the terms of peace with Germany, while othesa treaties were signed in Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary and the Ottoman Empire.
  • Peace conference in Paris

    Peace conference in Paris
    A conference was held in Paris to establish the terms for peace
  • Victory of the Red Army

    The Red Army won the Civil War of Russia
  • New Soviet State