proclamation of neturatality
usa stayed narural in a war between france and england. bacause of this britan attecked us ships trading with france. it helped america come from debt. -
alien and seditation acts
It gave the president the power to remove dangerous forigners. Also it alowed enimy pepole to be imprisoned if they are from the contry usa is at war with. finaly punishments for working against the us government were added.
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war with tripioly
tripioly proected us ships from pirate attacks they demanded mor money but the us refused. because of that tripioly declared war on the us. after that the us kept a bigger navy -
the lousiana purchase
tomas jefferson bought the lousiana teritory from france for a price of .03$ per acre. america got most of its land from this. -
pepole pushed native amaricans to give up there native lifestyle. usa had a battle with the native americans and the native americans lost and got pushed off there land. native americans
became very unhappy. -
munroe doctorine
european countrrys wanted to interfeere with north and south american countrys. the us vowed to have a strong response if they did that. this event placed america as the most powerfull western hemispheres counry. -
tarrif of abominations
forign foods bacame more expensive to buy. the south lost money, but it protected the norths factories. the norths econemy was improved by this. -
indian removal act
the indians got moved out of there land on the prisednts orders, even though it was very ilegal. the indians cultur was devistated by this.