Apollo 9 Test Mission
On the Apollo 9 the astronauts flew the landing module for Apollo 11. They did this to make sure that the astronauts would land safely and that there would be no mistakes. -
Apollo 10- The Test Mission
On the Apollo 10 these astronauts practiced for Apollo 11 landing, they did not land though. They orbited that moon and took pictures of the moon. -
Apollo 11 first landing Part #1
Apollo 11 was launched into space with only three astronauts inside. Neil Armstrong, Michael Colins, and Buzz Aldrin. During the landing there was a small delay but they landed with only a few minutes of fuel left. Neil Armstrong was the first one out. That is when he said these famous words, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." -
Apollo 11 first landing Part #2
While they were on the moon they were recorded putting an american flag on the lunar surface. -
Apollo 11 first landing Part #3
After safely making it back to earth all three astronauts were quarantined just in case they brought back any lunar viruses. Because there was so much success from this mission NASA decided to launch many more missions. -
Apollo 12 Second Landing
Because of the incredible success of the Apollo 11 mission, Apollo 12 was launched to learn more about the moon. They made a landing and studied the moon for about 7.5 hours. They wanted to collect as much as the could. -
Apollo 13 Mission
The Apollo 13 had to be aborted because an oxygen tank exploded. Luckily because of everyone working together no lives were lost during this mission. -
Apollo 14 Landing
This mission landed exactly where Apollo 13 would have landed. After landing on the moon they were able to explore even more places than the last missions due to better technology.