The First Fleet

By kvaka
  • Period: to

    The First Fleet

  • The Departure

    The Departure
    Elevan ships left Great Britan on their way to colonise Australia.
    THe ships are the Alexander,Borrowdale,CharlotteFishburn.Friendship,Golden
    Grove,HMS Sirius,HMS Supply,Lady Penrhyn,Prince of Wales,Scarborough,
  • The Ships

    There were six diferant ships that carried the convicts.There was The Alexander,Charlotte,Friendship,LadyPenhyn,Scarbroughand the Prince of Wales.All of he convict ships didn't have the cells so they had to make them quickly before the journey. Captain Aurther Phillip travelled on the lead ship Sirius wich had extra guns.
  • First Stop Tenerife

    First Stop Tenerife
    It took three weeks to sail to Tenerife and the people there made them feel welcome. They wanted to trade and buy supplies but all they had was a small amount of food.Captain Aurther Phillip allowed the convicts more bread,beef,vegtables and wine. Captain also allowed the convicts exercise and walk around on deck.The captain also visited all of the convicts because he didn't know what crime they committed and their sentance.On June the 10th 1787 they left Tenerife with a gun shot and flag.
  • Rio second stop

    Rio second stop
    -Spent one month in Rio
    -Convicts stayed on ships becalmed outside of the harbour
    -Supplies were provided
    -Colourful flowers and shrubs were planted around the city
    -There were white buildings that were owened by rich people
    -The boats had to be repaired
    -Convicts were allowed to have exersice and more healthy food
    -Convicts tried to make fake money to buy stuff
    -The portugese gave the english 21 gun salute as hey left Rio
  • Capetown 3rd stop

    Capetown 3rd stop
    -Rough sailing and weather from Rio to Capetown
    -Navigators found it hard to find were they are
    -1 month in Cape town
    -supplies were given
    -sheep horse cows and pigs were collected and put in with the female convicts
    -convicts were suffering from a stomach bug
    -they collected plants and bugs.
    -they were there for a month
    -thirteen gun salute as they left
  • Botany Bay 1788 4th stop

    Botany Bay 1788 4th stop
    -didn't like the conditions
    -decided to move because
    1 their was no running water
    2 needed better harbour because they needed some place to put the ships
    3 they needed richer soil to pant the crops
  • Port Jackson Last Stop

    Port Jackson Last Stop
    • Phillip became govener -Flag was put in an Phillip named the land Sydney Cove -The covicts that were strong enough were sent to work immediatly -Captain Philip mapped out the plans for the tents seperating the officers, marines,male and female convicts
    • Harsh punishments werer given to anyone who broke the law -A hospital tent was set up -The conditions were very poor and there were not enough blankets to give to everone
    • The settlers were shocked by enviornment -storm hit the camp
  • Early Colony

    Early Colony
    -well behaved convicts had their irons removed
    -Convicts that ran away got a punishment of a flogging
    -Each convict got a set of tools wich incuded a shovel,spade and a hoe
    -Many convicts did not want to work
    - most convicts had little experience or none at all
    women and children lacked clothing from the beginning
    -There was horrible food the huts had no windows and there was no or little amounts of crops
  • New Threat

    New Threat
    -Captain Phillip was instructed to live in peace with th Eora people
    - Both sides were very curious about each other
    -Eora people respected the land and only took what they needed
    -The English however cleared the land and took everthing
    -Everything is strange is strange for the Eora and the English people -The English felt superior to the aboriginal people wich led to fighting