The First Billion Years of Earths History (in this BCE = 100 million years ago)

  • 46 BCE

    Planetary Accretion+ Core Formation

    Planetary Accretion+ Core Formation
    4.6 Billion Years Ago: The Solar System was once a Solar Nebula, the gravity caused the material to collapse in on itself and formed the sun. The materials left began to collide and clump up, eventually making our planets. *Note: This is when the material for the core first came together, the first part of the core formation.
  • 45 BCE

    Creation of the Moon

    Creation of the Moon
    4.5 Billion Years Ago: The Moon was created after an object around the same size as Mars collided with Earth. The object has since been named Theia, part of it was absorbed into our Earth, however the other became debris, the gravity from our planet causing it to orbit around and become our Moon.
  • Period: 45 BCE to 40 BCE

    Planetary Cooling

    4-4.5 Billion Years ago: The Earth slowly began to cool. Before that it was molten lava and had no oceans nor atmosphere. As it cooled it developed and formed a solid crust, and as this continued volcanoes released gasses forming our atmosphere.
  • 38 BCE

    End of the Heavy Bombardment

    End of the Heavy Bombardment
    3.8 Billion Years Ago: Comets and astroids crashing into other planets it what this event was. It is thought to have caused many craters on planets and moons.
  • Period: 15 BCE to 10 BCE

    Core Formation

    1-1.5 Billion Years Ago: The Earths core is thought to have been formed when it 'froze' from the surrounding molten iron outer core around 1-1.5 Billion Years Ago.