Oct 12, 1492
In 1492 columbus come to America later more people from Europe come to America 1600. -
1607 the first colony was founded for . commercial and agricultural expancion.built the fort of Jamestown in under a month. Its location on a small peninsula and its triangular shape protected the settlers from the threat of attack boats and Spanish and the Powhatan Indians. Virginia: founded in 1607. -
The 80% of colonists died from disease/starvation/indian attack.Winter to mid-May. The Colony experiences its first extreme food crisis, called "the starving time." Jamestown is surrounded. Attempts to leave Jamestown are subjected to a hail of arrows. Those who stay face starvation. There are reports of cannibalism, which are denied by the Virginia.Winter to mid-May. The Colony experiences its first extreme food crisis, called "the starving time." Jamestown is surrounded. Attempts to le Company -
The Headright System was set up by the London company in 1618 that gave 50 acres of land to colonists who paid their own way to Virginia, or paid the way for someone else. on their journey to the New World on the Mayflower -
The Pilgrim Fathers.
founded the second colony." Massachusetts". Establish their own laws and social rules for their new colony. eventually formed New Hampshire and the land of Sir Ferdinando Gorges led to Maine. Massachusetts Bay Colony controlled both regions until New Hampshire was given a royal charter in 1679 and Maine was made its own state in 1820. -
New Netherlands,
New Netherlands, which became New York, was settled by the Dutch - refer to Peter Stuyvesant and Peter Minuit. In 1664, King Charles II granted New Netherland to his brother James, Duke of York who took a fleet to the area. The Dutch surrendered New Netherlands without a fight and it was renamed New York. -
The Great Migration - Mass migration of thousands of English people to the Americas that took place between 1630 and 1640. -
Maryland was settled - refer to Maryland Colony. King Charles I gave land to George Calvert, Lord Baltimore, to create a haven for Catholics in America. -
the Fundamental Orders
Connecticut was initially settled colonists, led by Thomas Hooker, left the Massachusetts Bay Colony due to dissatisfaction and settled in the Connecticut River Valley. In 1639, three settlements joined to form a unified government creating a document called the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, the first written constitution in America. King Charles II officially united Connecticut as a single colony in 1662 - refer to Connecticut Colony. -
1651 1660 1663 The Navigation Acts. The colonies represent a lucrative source of wealth and trade. Navigation Acts regulate colonial trade and enable England to collect duties (taxes). Refer to Triangular Trade. During this period the Slave Plantations in the Southern colonies were established. -
Tea Party
Tea Elmotín the previous conflict, was due to the higher taxes by England. -
Battle of Lexington
The Battle of Lexington is the beginning of the Independence War of the United States. These events marked a tipping point in the war between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Thirteen Colonies in the context of British North America. -
independent day
A document declaring the US to be independent of the British Crown was signed on July 4, 1776, by the congressional representatives of the 13 Colonies -
The Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was signed between Britain and the United States ended the War of Independence of the United States. -
The U.S. Constitution was the first practical form of political principles of liberalism. (Ideas enlightened policies) -
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