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The Final Solution Time Line (Jovanni Roberts)

  • Hitler is imprisoned

    Hitler is imprisoned
    -Hitler writes Mein Kampf
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    In 1929, the American Stock Exchange collapsed, and caused an economic Depression. America called in all its foreign loans, which devastated Weimar Germany. Unemployment in Germany rose to 6 million.
  • Election: Nazis become second largest party

    Election: Nazis become second largest party
    Nazis gain 107 seats in the Reichstag and Communists only gain 89 seats. The Nazi Party is only second to the Social Democratic Party of Germany.
  • Federal Election: Nazis become largest party

    Nazi Party becomes largest party in the Reichstag, gaining 230 seats (37%). Communists came 3rd with 89 seats. This was significant because no party could form a coalition to become a majority without including the Nazi party, and Hindenburg needed a majority in the Reichstag so that laws could be passed fasted. Hitler used this to say that he would only form a coalition if he was appointed Chancellor.
  • Chanceller

    Hitler’s emergence as chancellor on January 30, 1933, marked a crucial turning point for Germany and, ultimately, for the world. His plan, embraced by much of the German population, was to do away with politics and make Germany a powerful, unified one-party state
  • Bruning resigns

    Bruning resigns
    Bruning is forced to resign.
    -Hindenburg appoints Von Papen from the Centre Party as Chancellor.
    -Von Schleicher still has ambitions to be Chancellor.
    -SA ban lifted
  • man of year

    man of year
    Due to his political dominance and being such as central figure in the world, Time magazine names Hitler as "Man of the Year." The magazine describes the actions of his Nazi Party as "ruthless."
  • Night of the long Knives

    -Problems with the SA threatening a revolution against Hitler's perceived deals with the establishment led Hitler to sanction Himmler and his SS to murder the leadership of the SA and his political opponents within his Party.
    -Von Schleicher
  • Hindenburg dies

    -Hitler declares himself Fûhrer.
    -Oath of loyalty to Hitler made by the armed forces
    -Referendum sees this act confirmed with 89.3% of the vote in favour.