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The fight for racial equality

By Salmac
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    In 1892, Homer Adolph Plessy who was part black took a seat in a whites only train. He refused to move to black train section and was arrested for his actions.He sued Ferguson and his case made it to the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court came to an agreement and stated that they were separate-but-equal they had the same things therefore nothing could be done. This is important because it fueled segregation more.
  • Brown V. The board of education

    Brown V. The board of education
    This case was about segregation in public school based on race .Many African Americans argued because of this their Fourteenth Amendment was being violated. The Supreme Court of Delaware ruled that the African American students had the right to attend white public schools because in this case they had an advantage.
  • The murder of Emmet till

    The murder of Emmet till
    Emmett Till was murder at the age of 14 in 1955 . His murder brought nationwide attention to the violence and injustice caused by racial segregation. Till was kidnapped and brutally murdered for whistleing at a white woman . His murder brought attention an involved more people to fight for their Cilvil rights .
  • Rosa parks in the Montgomery bus boycott

    Rosa parks in the Montgomery bus boycott
    Rosa parks stepped in a bus to get to her home. She sat in the fifth row which was in the colored Section. when the bus was full, the seats nearer the front were given to white they order her to give her seat to a white passsanger Rosa parks refused to give her seat and she was arrested . It's important because it made people stand up for themselves.
  • Founding of Southern Christian church leadership conference and Martin Luther king

    The southern Christian leadership conference was made in 1957 .Martin Luther king was the president of this corporation. This organization goal was to end segregation through non violence. They helped to end the civil right movement.
  • Little Rock nine and central high school

    Little Rock nine and central high school
    The federal court demanded the end of segregation in Central High school in Little Rock ,Arkansas but many white people refused and tried to stop the African Americans from going in .president Eisenhower sent troops to make sure his desicion was made and followed . This is important because it shows the advansment the government is making in ending a little bit of segregation.
  • Greensboro Sit-in

    Greensboro Sit-in
    In 1960 , African American collage students staged a peaceful protest by siting in a segregated counter in Greensboro North Carolina. This helped many people protest peacefully and end segregation.
  • Student Nonviolent Coordinating committee (SNCC)&Freedom summer

    The student Nonviolent coordinating committee was created to offer a role to blacks a role in the civil right movement. The freedom summer project was a campaign created to register many African Americans for the state of Mississippi. This organization was a vital role because it showed blacks unity and activism
  • Freedom Ride/Freedom Riders

    Freedom Ride/Freedom Riders
    Students began freedom rides ,bus rides through the south. They attempted to stop segregation in buses but they were sometimes violent because whites didn't like it . President Kennedy order the buses and trains to stop segregation this was an advance for segregation movement .
  • March on Washington

    The march on Washington happens on Washington D.C to bring attention to the struggles of African Americans who were being segregated. This showed that many people were united
  • Civil rights act

    The act was signed and approved by president Johnson which banned discrimination based on race ,religion and color . Jim Crow laws were no longer legal the public wasn't segregated. This was important because racial equality was being achieved.
  • Assasination of Malcolm x

    Assasination of Malcolm x
    Malcolm x was killed by Thomas Hagen with shots fired at him. Many people believe that he was killed because he left the Nation of Islam to fight for cilvil rights .This is important because his leadership lead people to fight for their cilvil rights and get equality
  • Voting rights act

    The voting rights made it easier for African Americans to vote . Any test or anything that took the opportunity of African Americans to vote was removed. This is important because African Americans were know able to vote and make decisions for themselves
  • Assassination of Mlk

    Martin Luther king was assascinated in his holtel balcony by James ray . His assasination led to people many people feel angry and sad for his death .