Plessy v. Ferguson
"Separate, but equal." Plessy v. Ferguson was the court case which made segregation constitutional as long as they were equal. Thiscaused much disruption mainly in the south and caused many civil rights movements 60 years later. This was in effect until it was overturned in 1954. -
Brown v. Board of Education
Brown v. Board of Education was a series of five cases. The Supreme Court declares that segregation in schools is unconstitutional. The decision argued and overruled Plessy v. Ferguson(Separate, but equal). Thurgood Marshall and the NAACP(Du Bois) played a huge role in determining this. -
Murder of Emmitt Till
The murder of Emmitt Till impacted the future civil rights movements. Emmitt Till was flirting with a white woman at a grocery store, then a few days later he was kidnapped, tortured, and murdered. -
Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks was on a bus, when two white people wanted the seat she was in. She did not move. A few days later, blacks did not ride Montgomery buses. This was the first, big boycott against segregation. -
MLK and the SCLC
On January 10, 1957, MLK became the President of the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference). The SCLC focused on getting rid of segregation in a non- violent manner. This would soon spawn many ideas and boycotts and movements. -
Little Rock Nine
Following the Board v. Education case, nine black students enrolled into Central High. Only 2 students graduated. The other students, transferred due to harsh conditions in the school (racism), these kids were bullied all throughout high school. -
Greensboro Sit-ins
In 1960, four college students planned a series of non- violent protests.(sit-ins). They would sit in a diner and take up spots knowing the diner didn't sell to colored people. Eventually, this caused the diner to remove the sign to sell to only whites. -
Freedom Riders
The freedom riders/freedom rides was a group that rode buses to segregated parts of the south and attempted to protest. These people would use whites only things in attempt to get a reaction from the whites. Once this spread, in September, the Interstate Commerce Commission disallowed segregation on buses and trains. -
SNCC and Freedom Summer
Ella Baker formed SNCC to give the younger people more of a voice in the Civil Rights Movements. Freedom Summer was an act to register as many black people as possible to vote. The SNCC played a large part in the Freedom Rides. -
March on Washington
This was one of the biggest and most important moments in these Civil Rights Movements. This was where Martin Luther King gave his famous "I Have A Dream " speech. About 250,000 people showed up to support this protest on freedom and job opportunities. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
President Lyndon B. Johnson signed this act to disallow discrimination in public. Outlwaed segregation everywhere. One of the biggest later steps in the movements. -
Assassination of Malcolm X
Malcolm X was shot by Nation of Islam members in 1965. He was giving a rally in New York City. Malcom was receiving threats prior to this, like the firebombing of his house. -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Law signed by Lyndon B. Johnson to give blacks more freedom on the right to vote. The March at Selma somewhat provoked this. Banned the literacy tests in order to vote. -
Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther king was murdered in Memphis Tennessee. He was shot in the neck by a sniper rifle. On June 8th, officials found someone named Earl Ray, who supposedly killed one of the most influential activists of all time.