the fight for civil rights

  • plessy v ferguson

    plessy v ferguson
    equal yet separate. a man that was part Caucasian sat at a white only train, got arrested. the point of this was to give the blacks the same things as the whites but there was obviously a difference
  • brown v board of edu.

    brown v board of edu.
    a mix of four cases in different states fighting for the same thing. The people complained about the segregation of blacks not having opportunity to go to certain schools. argued that it violated the equal protection program
  • brown v board of edu

    brown v board of edu
    four different court cases involving the segregation of blacks in schools. fought that it broke the plessy v Ferguson case because it violated equal but separate. this case was brought up in four different states.
  • murder of emmett till

    murder of emmett till
    Emmett was visiting family in Missouri where he was allegedly caught flirting with a white female. the females husband and brother caught Emmett and tortured the 14 year old before brutally murdering him. the mother demanded the body to be sent to Chicago where he lived and even held an open casket ceremony to let the people what they have done
  • Rosa Parks & the Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Rosa Parks & the Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Montgomery alabama required blacks to sit in the back of the bus and to obideiently give their seat if a white asked for it. Rosa was asked to move but didnt comply and was arrested and fined. the people that were being segregated banded together and to boycott the bus because they made up atleast 70 percent of the riders. the city did not comply but on june 5, 1955 the city ruled a federal law requiring segregated seating as a violation to the 14th amendment
  • Assassination of Malcolm X

    Assassination of Malcolm X
    In new York Malcolm x was assassinated by rival black Muslims. Malcolms upbringing was one with violence and loneliness. Malcolm end goal was not unity but equal yet far away from the whites.
  • Little Rock Nine & Central High School

    Little Rock Nine & Central High School
    after brown v education board little rock central high school slowly started integrating colored race. nine students ended up signing up to be the first in the school. many people tried to stop the intergration blaming it on the nine for wanting to start fights but the nine kept at it and made their lives great because of it.
  • Founding of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) & Martin Luther King

    Founding of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) & Martin Luther King
    the Sclc can be traced all the way back to the Montgomery bus boycott. martin Luther king served as the president, it was history's largest non- violent protest. sclc is now a nation wide organization that influences the north, south, east, and west
  • Greensboro Sit-In

    Greensboro Sit-In
    in 1960 a couple of students decided to do a sit in at Woolsworth lunch counter refusing to leave without being served. once people saw it happening at woolsworth many college students and towns decided to be apart of it. the four students spurred to do this action because of Emmett till.
  • Freedom Ride/Freedom Riders

    Freedom Ride/Freedom Riders
    the freedom riders were a group of both white and black Americans riding through america. the groups were confronted by police officers or violence from white protesters. the riders would use white only counters restrooms and stops.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    the march on Washington was known as the biggest protest in history with 250,000 in front of the Lincoln memorial. it was also the occasion where MLK had his speech of a dream. a talk with president Kennedy and the leaders of the civil rights protest talking it about Kennedy's fear for the ill timing.
  • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) & Freedom Summer

    Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) & Freedom Summer
    aimed at increasing black voter registration. the police, klu klux klan, and authorities carried out a series of violent attacks against the activists. this was sponsered by CORE and SNCC.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The act ended segregation in public and public discrimination. Kennedy at first didn't react but after seeing the police brutality in the south decided to act on this decision. Kennedy proposed that america cannot be free unless all of its citizens were free
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    the voting rights act of 1965 was signed into law by president lyndon B Johnson. it was signed to overcome legal barriers at the state and local level. the act was conssidered as the most far reaching civil rights legislation.
  • Assassination of MLK

    Assassination of MLK
    on april 4, 1968 Martin Luther King was found dead ahich sent shock around the nation. king led civil rights movement since mid 1950 with peacefull protests and speeches. the assassination of MLK led to an outrage among black americans which helped speed up kings goal.