The FBI was formed
J. Edgar Hoover becomes director of the Radicals Division
Period: to
Palmer Raids occur
A series of raids occur against anarchists and trade unionist, resukts in deportation of over 500 immigrants and 6,000 arrests. -
J. Edgar Hoover becomes head of Bureau of Investigation
Custodial Detention Program
Hoover has his agents create a list of enemies of the state. Who could immediatly be detained in case of national crisis. -
Custodial Detention Program discovered
Francis Biddle, Attorney general, discovers the CDP and abolishes it. Hoover disobeys him and restarts the program, which contains upwards of 15,000 names, under the title "Security Index". and it will not be discovered again until Hoover's death -
Internal Security Act
All comunists, and communist front groups are forced to register with the Subversive Activities Control Board. The board would be allowed to investigate these groups and detain them. -
Sex Deviates Act
The FBI alerts public institutions of homosexual employees. The goal was the drive them away from these institutions because Hoover thought that this lifestyle made them more suseptible to blackmail. -
The FBI's counterintelligence program is created, original purpose was to "expose, disrupt, discredit, miscredit, or otherwise nutralize" communists and socialists, but it was used on social rights activists like MArtin Luther King Jr. and black power groups, antiwar activists and white supremacists. It used illegal tactics, like break-ins, wiretaps, disinformation campaigns, and threats of violence. -
The Citizens Commision break into an FBI HQ in Media, PA and leaks the files to many famous newspapers, the Washiton Post, New York Times and many more -
First Attorney General's Guidelines for undercover operations issued
Period: to
FBI infiltrates CISPES
the FBI colects information on the Commitee in Soliditarity with the Peoples in El Salvador, CISPES, on 2375 individuals and 1330 groups. It violated 31 of the Attorneys General's Guidelines -
Bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City
A truck bomb detonated at an FBI office, killing 168 people. -
Attn Gen Reno issuses new informant guidelines
9/11 occurs