The Fall Of The Soviet Union Nick Hartnett

  • Period: to

    The Fall Soviet Union

  • Creation of the Politburo

    The first Politburo was created in Russia by the Bolshevik Party Central Committee in October 1917 to provide continuous and leadership during when Communism was first being implemented. The seven Politburo members included Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin. This helped shape the economy back into shape.
  • Last Of The Romanovs

    Second and last imperial dynasty to rule over Russia. This ultimately started up the Soviet Union.
  • Russian Civil War

    Tore apart Russia for 3 years from 1918- 1921. Started after November of 1917, many groups have formed that opposed Lenin Bolshevik’s idea of implementing Communism as Russia’s government. . The Red Army (Communists) beat the White Army (Traditional Russian Empire). This hurt the Russian Soviets because its slowed down the modernization and industrialization that was their main goal.
  • Lithuania and Latvia Protests

    Lithuania was reestablished as a democratic state. It remained independent until the World War II break out. It was occupied by the Soviet Union and under the terms of Molotov-Ribbentrop. When the Nazi’s declared war on the Soviet Union, the Lithuania’s were again absorbed into the Soviet Union.
  • Treaty Of Brest Livok

    Russia gives land to Germany as a part of a peace treaty to end the war. Now Lenin can focus on his own people1 to better their lives and the communist movement.
  • Treaty of Brest Livok

    Russia gives land to Germany as a part of a peace treaty to end the war. Now Lenin can focus on his own people1 to better their lives and the communist movement
  • Free Elections In Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary

    implemented the Glasnost and each country handle their own problems are their own. It’s a bad thing because the Soviet Union is losing power. January 1, 1919
  • Stalin's Five Year Plan

    This is a national plan for economic and industrial development goals. This caught up Russia with the rest of the industrialized world.
  • WW2

    In August 1939, Stalin in control of the Soviet Union entered a non aggression pact with Nazi Germany which basically meant that they wouldn’t attack each other during the war and divided land evenly in Eastern Europe. After Russia invaded a few countries that Germany wanted tossess, Germany attacked Russia but Stalin’s forces held them off until the end of the war.
  • Hydrogen Bomb

    project to produce a deadly soviet Hydrogen bomb. Which helped it catch up with the rest of the world industrially.
  • WarSaw Pact

    was a mutual defense treaty between eight communist states of Eastern Europe in existence during the Cold War which was basically an agreement that if one of these eight were attacked the remaining seven would come to their aid. This Pact benefited the Soviets during Cold War because it showed strength and unity in the Communist cause.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Was a mutual defense treaty between eight communist states of Eastern Europe in existence during the Cold War which was basically an agreement that if one of these eight were attacked the remaining seven would come to their aid. This Pact benefited the Soviets during Cold War because it showed strength and unity in the Communist cause.
  • Sputnik 1

    The Soviet Union successfully launched the world’s first artificial satellite. This helped the Soviet Union because they got a head start in the space race which ultimately perceives them to be a large modernized industrialized powerhouse in the eyes of the rest of the world.
  • Laika and Sputik 3

    Laika was a dog that became that became the first animal to orbit the earth dying in the process which helped Soviet Russia in the space race with the U.S.
  • Creation Of The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall was the physical division between West Berlin and East Germany. However, it was also the symbolic boundary between democracy and Communism during the Cold War. August 13, 1961. This showed history of what they went through.
  • Soviet-Afghan War

    In 1965 Afghanistan formed their first communist party. Daoud first allied himself with soviets in 1954 he asked for military aid help and protected the borderline between Pakistan and Afghanistan. This war lasted for 9 years
  • Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    In the morning hours of August 21, 1968, the Soviet army invaded Czechoslovakia along with troops from four other Warsaw Pact countries. They invaded because Czechoslovakia tried to liberate themselves from Communism and went against the Warsaw pact.
  • Salt 1 (1969-1972)

    During that period the United States and the Soviet Union negotiated the first agreements to place limits and restraints on some of their central and most important armaments.
  • Salt 2

    Salt 2 was sign in 1979 between United States, Soviet Union, and Russia for arm controls. This gave oppurtunites for each an equal of weapons.
  • Perestroikia

    perestroika was the conference of development of democracy, socialist self-government, encouragement of an idea and creative attempt to improved order to disciple, and more glasnost. This was making everything come together.
  • Gorbachev Becomes Leader

    Mikhail Gorbachev has taken over following the death Konstantin chernecko. Gorbachev was a good leader and was the leader until 1991.
  • Chernobyl Disaster

    was a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine. This was a large setback for the Soviet Union .
  • Glasnost

    would see Gorbachev's introduction of glasnost, which gave new freedoms to the Soviet people, including greater freedom of speech. This was a change, as control of speech and suppression of government criticism had previously been a central part of the Soviet system. This gave citizens a better take on life and a voice of an opinion
  • Fall Of The Berlin Wall

    Communism was weakening in Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia in 1988 and 1989. And East Germans wanted to go to the West. Then in November 1989 the East German government official said that it was now allowed for permanent locations to be done between West Germany (Berlin) and East GeFa And soon after the Berlin Wall was slowly chipped away.
  • Gorbachev Steps Down

    Steps down after 7 years because Gorbachev finds out that Russia was taking control over the parliament, the foreign ministry, and the security organs. This shows that the economy wanted to go a different direction.
  • Voting Reforms by Gorbachev

    Gorbachev institutes reforms in voting; allowing Soviet citizens to vote for people other than Communist Party members, but the Communist Party of the Soviet Union suffers minimal loss in the elections
  • Boris Yeltsin becomes President

    Was a Russia President from 1991-1999. He was the first popular present elected in the country’s history and he guided Russia through a tough decade of political and economical problems. This is a good idea because it's making history and starting to make new better changes. He resigned right before the day of the new year 1999.