Pax Romana
Pax Romana or "Roman Peace" was a time of no war for the empire. It lasted from the time Augustus Caesar ruled in 27 BC to 180 CE when Commodus began his reign. -
Augustus Caesar
Augustus Caesar, formally known as Octavian was hailed the first Roman Emperor after his defeat against Mark Antony. When he first began to reign, the Pax Romana began. He conquered and expanded the Roman Empire around the Mediterranean Sea. This brought up the population. Next he improved the roads, bridges, and aqueducts bringing up the rate of trade and when you bring up rate of trade it highers the wealth of the Empire. Art and Liturature flourished throughout the Empire. -
Period: 100 to 500
The fall of the roman empire
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius was the last of five "Good Emperors." He unified the Roman Empire economically. He was an active leader and took part in all of his army's battles. He chose his son Commodus to follow him as Emperor. His reign ended in 180 C.E. -
Christianity Emerges
During the time of Constantine, civil war broke out on the Milvian Bridge and a sign appeared in the sky reading "Under this sign you will conquer." (The sign was a P with an X through it.) So everyone in the army put this sign on their sheilds and they did conquer, Constantine immediately turned to christianity. In 313 CE Edict of Milan granted freedom to worship freely and the spread of christianity was encouraged. -
Constantine begins his reign as Emperor. Civil War breaks out and Constantine turns to christianity. He united the empire. In 330 CE he moved the capital of Rome to Byzantium and renamed it Constinople meaning "City of Constantine." -
The Collapse of the Roman Empire
The Collapse Began after the civil war after Constantines death. The Romans couldn't hold off any longer. The Germanic tribes or barbarians invaded. In 410 CE another tribe, the Visagoths invaded and captured and looted Rome. In 455 CE the Vandals made Rome powerless leaving the Ostrogoths to finish off the final collapse. -
The End of the Collapse
After Rome falls the East stays strong while the West is completely collapsed. Constinople remains the capital of the Byzantine Empire. -
Commodus' reign ended the Pax Romana and began the decline of the Roman Empire. He was more interested in entertainment than government. He loved having power but didn't want to help the empire so he allowed others to help him rule. When the government ran short of money he recommeded killing the wealthy. He was assasinated on New Years Eve of 192 C.E and the empire falls into 50 years of decline. -
Diocletian made the empire easier to rule. He broke it in half naming them the East and the West and named a Co Emperor, Maximium. Diocletian decided he would rule the west because it was wealthier. He also doubled the army and improved the tax structure. Then he gave up his power breaking out civil war. -
50 Years of Decline
Christianity begins to emerge but is not encouraged. It began under Commodus. There were weak corrupt rulers. They were forced to hire mercenaries or people who were only in the army for pay not loyalty. The empire size stayed the same. Economic problems began.