Period: 300 to Dec 31, 1500
The middle ages
The Germanic Tribes Invasion
The Germanic tribes were called uncivilized by the Romans. The German tribal laws were different from the well ordered Roman systems. The Germanic tribes often fought each other. The Germanic tribes lived just on the edge of the frontier.The Germanic tribes were one the reasons Rome fell. -
The Fall of Rome
The Fall of Rome didn't just happen in a day, it happened in years. The Roman world faced invaders from the Northern and Eastern Europe. Rome had doubled the size of its army, with a bigger army it meant higher taxes and that lead to people not being able to pay taxes. It was one of the reasons that lead to the fall of Rome. -
Dec 16, 600
MuhammadMuhammad was born in the Arabian city of Mecca not much is know of his early life.He became a religious figure who would change the shape of the world .When he was 40 years old he has a vission of an angle on a hillside outside of Mecca.The angle spoke to him, saying that Muhammad was a prophet of god.In 622 he took his people to the Arabian city of Medina.The number of Muslums grew.new converts became soildiers for Islam.With an army of followers, Muhammad returned to mecca. they took the city -
Dec 16, 600
The Karan
the koran
The Koran is the sacred book of Islam the verses in the koran are said to be revealed to Muhammadby the angle Gabriel.His followers memorizied his words or wrote them down. Later they were collected to form the Koran. The koran emphasizes that Allah is the one and only god. -
Dec 16, 600
Muhammad 2
They took the city of Mecca in 630 A.D.In 632 A.D Muhammad died. By the time of his death, the prophet Muhammad had done his job. -
Dec 11, 750
The Vikings
The Vikings were attackers from the north. They came down from Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The Vikings were adventurers. Their ships were powered by oars and sails. The Viking raids began in 793 A.D. The vikings attacked an island off the caost of England. During the mid 800's the Vikings burned and looted towns on the coast of France, Spain and Italy -
Dec 13, 800
Charlemange was the King of The Franks. Charlemange's father was called Pepin the Short. His father died in 768 A.D. on Christmas Day. The Pope crowned Charlemange the " Emperor of the Holy Empire". -
Dec 13, 800
The Franks
The Franks were a German tribe that took Flanders. The Franks continued their conquests.They ended up ruling all the lands that one day will be France. -
Dec 13, 950
The Normans
The Normans were adventurous. In 1066 William the Duke of Normandy decided to make himself the King of England. He waited for fair breazes to blow his ships across the English Channel. At last the moment came. There was a savage fight known as the Battle of Hastings. William killed the King of England. He became known as William the Conqueror. -
Dec 10, 1054
The Byzantine Empire
The Western Empire fell to the Barbarians. The Eastern Empire with Constantinople as its capital, resisted attack. The Eastern Empire was know as Byzantine Empire, it would last almost 1000 years. In 1054 the Christain Church split into two sections the church in the west was called Roman Catholic. The church in the east was called Eastern Orthodox. -
Dec 16, 1065
The Crusades
the crusadesChristain pilgrams- during the middle ages they journeyed to Jurusalum. Jerusalum under Muslum control. Muslums allowed Christians to come. In 1071 A.D. seluk turks- muslum took power in Jerusalum they stopped Christains from coming. Urban II- Pope- in 1095 he told the Christains to go free the holy land.In 1096 the first Crusade was led by peter the hermit.When the peasent go to fight all of them die before they got to Jewrusalum -
Jan 1, 1100
Serfts lived on the land that Manors owned and they paid taxes with a portion of their harvest. They could not leave the land because they were tied to the land. -
Jan 1, 1100
Knights were fighters that were paid by the King.They protected the land around the Kingdom, their serfs and the King .They fought till they died. -
Dec 13, 1100
Feudalism is the political and military system of the Western Europe during the middle ages -
Dec 13, 1100
Manors were Nobles or Lords who lived in a house in the country. They owned land that the King gave them and they owned the Serfs that lived there. -
Dec 15, 1100
people that are trained or ordained for religious work -
Dec 15, 1100
A Noble who recieved land from a King in return for loyalty and service -
Dec 15, 1100
a pledge of loyalty, a promise to serve, made to kings and lords durin the middle ages -
Dec 16, 1215
The Magna Carta
Magna Carta
The Magna Carta was a bill that was signed by King John. The bill said that he would give up rights and liberties to the Nobles or Barons he also reformed the legal system and gave a few rights to the freemen. -
Dec 17, 1215
Saladin and Richard
Saladin and Richard were both great fighters. They met in battle. Saladins forces gained the upper hand and when he got word that Richard was needed back to England they called a 5 year truce. When Saladin died the truce weakend.