Don pelayo en covadonga 2

The Expansions

  • Jan 1, 711

    Arrival of Muslims

    Arrival of Muslims
    Muslim forces invaded and in seven years conquered the Iberian peninsula.
  • Period: Jan 1, 711 to Jan 1, 756

    Dependent Emirate

    Controlled almost all the Peninsula (but the not North)
  • Jan 30, 711

    An army of Berbers arrived to the Peninsula

    An army of Berbers arrived to the Peninsula
    Rodrigo confronted them in the Battle of Guadalete, Cádiz
  • Jan 31, 712

    More Arabs and Berbers arrived to the Peninsula

    More Arabs and Berbers arrived to the Peninsula
    Joined Tariq's army and advanced to conquered Toledo
  • Jan 31, 722

    Resistance in the North

    Resistance in the North
    Battle of Covadonga, led by Pelayo defeated the Muslims
  • Jan 31, 732

    Visigothic Kingdom

    Visigothic Kingdom
    Crossed the Pyrenees, but defeated at the Battle of Poitiers
  • Period: Feb 1, 739 to Feb 1, 757

    Alfonso I

    Expanded domains towards Galicia and began to occupy the northern Meseta
  • Period: Feb 1, 756 to Feb 1, 929

    Independent Emirate

    Abderramán escaped from Damascus to Al-Andalus and name himself Independent Emir of the Caliphate
  • Jan 31, 824

    Kingdom Of Panplona

    Kingdom Of Panplona
    Was formed, later Kingdom of Navarra
  • Period: Feb 1, 866 to Feb 1, 910

    Alfonso III

    Conquered Coimbra and Oporto
  • Period: Feb 1, 929 to Feb 1, 1031

    Córdoba Caliphate

    Abderramán III named himself caliph
  • Period: Feb 1, 1031 to Feb 1, 1085

    The taifa kingdoms

    Internal fights → Caliphate divided into small independent kingdoms called taifas
  • Jan 31, 1065

    Kingdom of Castilla

     Kingdom of Castilla
    To defend themselves against Muslims, they built castles → County of Castilla
  • Period: Feb 1, 1085 to Feb 1, 1212

    North African Empires

    Almoravids and Almohads invaded the taifa kingdoms
  • Period: Jan 31, 1100 to Jan 31, 1200

    South of France

    The vassalage of various French cities and counties had been obtained through arranged marriages
  • Period: Jan 31, 1129 to Jan 31, 1130

    Alfonso IX of León

    Conquered Cáceres and Badajoz
  • Period: Jan 31, 1148 to Jan 31, 1149

    Ramón Berenguer IV

    Conquered Tortosa and Lérida
  • Jan 30, 1177

    Alfonso VIII

    Alfonso VIII
    Conquered Cuenca
  • Period: Jan 31, 1200 to Jan 31, 1300

    The Mediterranean

    The territorial expansion of the Crown of Aragón
  • Jan 30, 1212

    Alfonso VIII

    Alfonso VIII
    Defeated the Almohads at
    the Battle of Navas de Tolosa
  • Jan 30, 1230

    Jaime I

    Jaime I
    Subdued the Muslim Kingdoms of Mallorca and Valencia
  • Jan 30, 1248

    Fernando III

    Fernando III
    During his reign, his son conquered Murcia and Alicante. Conquered the Valle del Guadalquivir (Jaén, Córdoba and
  • Jan 30, 1252

    Alfonso X

    Alfonso X
    Conquered Cádiz, making the Kingdom of Granada the only
    remaining Muslim state
  • Jan 30, 1305

    Jaime II

    Jaime II
    Fought Castilla for control of the Kingdom of Murcia.
    Their permanent borders were eventually agreed.
  • Jan 30, 1340

    Alfonso XI

    Alfonso XI
    The armies of Castilla and Portugal formed an alliance and defeated them at the Battle of Salado