Chinese invention of Paper
Chinese imperial court announces the invention of paper under the Han Dynasty emperor Ho-Ti. -
The invention of the printing press
Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press establishing widespread written word communication -
First newspaper printed
First newspaper printed in Germany allowing widespread news through large scale distribution -
Morse invents the telegraph and morse code
Ray Tomlinson sends first E-mail
Ray Tomlinson sends first E-mail using @ in address. -
Apple I computer created
The computer kit was developed by Steve Wozniak in 1976 and contained a 6502 8-bit processor and 4 kb of memory, which was expandable to 8 or 48 kb using expansion cards. -
Microsoft introduces new product, Microsoft Office.
World Wide Web Begins
First text message sent
Neil Papworth sends the first SMS (or text message) -
45% of Australians have a mobile phone
MySpace is launched
Facebook is launched
What would become the largest social networking site in the world, Facebook is launched. -
Twitter, micro-blogging
Apple iPhone introduced
Upgraded progressively since original launch date