The Evolution of Web Tools

  • Period: to

    Web 1.0

    Web 1.0 tools was more of a read only web tools. You could use this tools for searching information. There were not many content creators.
  • Web 2.0

    With Web 2.0 tools it was easier for everyday internet users to network and blog. Content was generated and allowed consumers were able to leave comments on the websites.internet users could now create and manage personal accounts to certain sites. Allows users to communicate with others online in real time.
  • Web 4.0 tools

    We are able to take the web with us wherever we go. With our mobile devices we are able to search content, post/view videos and so much more.
    - The Internet of things: Nowadays our homes, appliances and even our cars are all synced together with the help of the internet.
  • Web 3.0 tools

    "The Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries" (World Wide Web Consortium).
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  • Web 5.0 tools

    I believe that in a few years we will have Web 5.0 tools. These tools serve as virtual assistants that predict our needs. Computers will be able to communicate like people. Websites will be able to individualize experiences for each person. It is not to far away. Websites already collect past websites we use and things we buy. This is one reason why you may see several ads from you favorite stores while browsing the web.